Southern Exposure sat just four blocks northwest of our house, and it was not a show about a doctor that travels to Alaska to practice medicine. I had never actually stepped foot in this swank establishment, but drove by it almost daily. It's beautiful architectural stylings and enormous, lighted sign melted your heart like a baby's laughter on a warm summer's day. How could something like this happen? How many parking lots does a hospital with dying people need? It's not like this is a children's hospital. These people are grownups, they can walk another two blocks.
Something does not smell right here, and I don't mean the old, discarded string bikinis at the bottom of the pile of rubble.
I for one, am taking a stand. Because of this, there are 10-15 women out of work (although I am sure they have "other" jobs... The word "other" is in quotes because some may not refer to what they do as jobs.), the redneck value of my home has plummeted and there is an emotional scar on the city. This is a sad, sad day for Murray and one that I will not soon forget. As I wrote this, another tear just splattered into a million pieces on my livingroom floor.
That sucks man. I'm sorry.
Anyway, in effort to work on my New Year's resolution, when are you guys avail to come up for dinner and perhaps a riviting game of Ticket to Ride or whatever else?
Don't feel too sad for the women who are no longer employed. I haven't been up north lately but there used to be a Northern Exposure they could transfer to.
I can't believe the day is finally here when they tore that lovely building down! I haven't worked for IHC for 6 years now and I still remember them talking about it back then.
Steve - I believe it is our turn to hose. Email me at abeyospe at yahoo and we will work out the details.
Abe... Because of this, I am now out of a job! Thanks for your concern. Totally kidding! I think Ty & I should drive over there and dance on the rubble in celebration that the trashy building is finally gone! WAHOO!
So what you're saying is that when I am delivering at that fine hospital in above pic, that I won't be able to spend a nice quiet evening at the Southern Exposure like I had planned? I might as well deliver in a barn then.
I thought Southern Exposure was on 33rd and State...oh wait, that's Gold Digger's or something...
Well, you gotta give'm credit for the names. Northern Exposure? ha
Don't be too sad. Southern X did, in fact, just move up the street. It's gonna be okay for everybody.
i went through a box of tissues myself.
Sorry, it was my company that pulled the plug. They were in litigation for a long time, but SE lost. Too bad for them I guess. I wish they were going to do something cool like add some green space to the front of the hospital, but I think they're just going to put in a parking lot.
From what I hear, those women should be able to find other work.
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