I decided to rest my knee while we were in Island Park in hopes that when I came home I could run again. It is very slowly getting better. I am a to a point that I can walk without pain or a limp. Two days ago, I decided to give jogging another try. I would attempt to run a meager two miles.
I made it about 5 steps. The pain is just unbearable and it is nearly impossible to jog without a horribly bad limp. I decided to walk, but came home just crushed. It was at that moment that I realized the race on the 24th had become an impossibility. I still need to put in two long runs, including a 20 miler and I have fallen so far behind, I am afraid that a simple 7 miler would be a chore.
The good news is that my knee is slowly getting better. Unfortunately, the healing is too slow to have me ready for the 24th. I will eventually do my marathon. It just won't be the 08 Pioneer Days Celebration Marathon, sponsored by KJZZ TV and the Deseret Morning News.
In other news, the ward I grew up in, Edgehill 2nd merged with Edgehill 1st becoming "The Edgehill Ward". That officially makes it so that Cathi and I grew up in the same ward! I will miss E2. I have some very fond memories of that ward. I only wish they would have combined the wards when I was growing up. That would have made it the coolest ward ever.
Also, in other very sad news, the South High School Pool is officially closing after the summer. I love that place. I spent hours in that pool learning to swim and even made it to their highest swim class. Sure, I hadn't been back since I was 15 and I didn't even know the place was even still open, but I shall surely miss it.
Abe, I wouldn't say 2 miles is "meager". Maybe for you, but for some of us it's challenging :).
If the Edgehills would have merged when you were a kid, you and Cathi probably wouldn't be married. Who wants to marry someone from their own ward!?
And lastly, I didn't know the South Pool was still open either.
Sorry to hear that the marathon is off. Take it easy for a while to heal. Maybe you can be ready for the Top of Utah Marathon in September - it's in Logan. They don't fill up so fast and you can register a couple of weeks before it and still get in. I'll see you there!
You're only cool if you marry someone from your own ward. Welcome to the cool club.
I thought you did swimming lessons at Olympus like the rest of us.
Sorry to hear about your knee. That's disappointing, but at least now me and the rest of the fam don't have to feel bad about missing the marathon to go to the cabin!
WARNING NOTE: I am unlikely to drive to Logan to see you either.
I was sad to hear about your knee, too. I know the marathon was a great goal. I am glad you haven't ruled it out completely. Ditto on the wards and ditto on South High School Pool. I was very sad. I went to South High when it was built. It is NOT that OLD!
Sorry to hear about the injury / marathon. Would you and Cathi like to help us hand out water to the runners? We may need some more help, and all those that help get 2 Megaplex Movie passes.
You still in for the 10K? If not, then hand me water.
Steve, we'll see about that 10 k. Yesterday I ran for the first time again. A 2:1 walk to run ratio for a total of 2 miles. It felt so good to run again. My knee feels okay today after that, so I might be able to get up to a 10 k by then.
Eric, I will definitely consider the Top of the Mountainathon - let me see how my knee holds up for the next month.
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