I have decided that on days that I have nothing to post, that I will start reviewing bands I like to listen to. You see, my wife could care less and I really have no one to talk to about these bands. At last, a forum to express my views! Alas, no one will probably listen or read this, but at least I am fulfilled, my feelings about the music are in the open and the world is a better place.
Band #1 is Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start
You may recognize their name. It was the secret Contra code that gave you unlimited lives on that video game. Although a bit wordy, a very cool band name for those in the know. In fact, their new album that I do not have yet is entitled "Worst Band Name...Ever!"
The album that I have of their is "And Nothing is #1". A very interesting album to say the least. The greatest thing about this band is they have a perfect mix of hard and soft stuff in every song. They have two singers, and the one sings the soft stuff and one the harder stuff. The way that they blend their voices is quite amazing. One drawback is that the songs are a bit short, averaging about 2 1/2 minutes each. The best songs on the album are:
- Help Me Fix My Bike
- Muscle, When Will I See It
- As Usual
The band reminds me a little of "Sunny Day Real Estate". If you like Sunny Day, you would probably like these guys. So, as for this New Jersey based band, I give them 3 1/2 stars (out of 5).
The bunny suit that Heath made me wear reminded me of the beaver costume you used to wear for fun. For fun? Those costumes are hot! We have some pictures up on our blog. It had such a huge head, my neck was tired after..."you'll just have to wear it for one hour" turned out to be two and a half hours I had to be in the bunny suit. But it was fun to be able to act like an anonomyous idiot. I hope that Cathi and the boys had fun? P.S. The last thing I heard about your old beaver costume was at Levi Snarr's funeral, he wore it backwards on Halloween as he gave out candy to tick-or-treaters. He rested the bowl of candy bars on the tail. So, it is still around some place- I laughed at your comment about Esther's lemon bars, and then I remembered that not only were there chunks of lemon in them, but real lemon peels as well:) We still love ya Esther.
PS..Tim Ricks (aka Jesus) has a pretty funny blog
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