Recently, we have been collecting some great games. We have all sorts. It is a great thing to collect, because it really is "fun for the whole family." While researching some games, I came across what very well may be the worst board game ever invented...THE FULL HOUSE BOARD GAME!

Now, I have played some pretty awful board games in my day, including "Ghostbusters" and the G.I. Joe game at the cabin. However, nothing I have ever played looks even remotely close to being as lame as the Joey Joke cards.
I don't know. That Wizard of Oz game Mom found at the D.I. was pretty crappy.
U R A funny guy!
What a horrible game! The only thing worse would be a Punky Brewster game or Small Wonders game.
I WANT THAT GAME! Everyone should know that Full House is my all time favorite back to my young years of course, but it's such a classic!! If anyone ever really comes across this game, please get it for me for Christmas. I'd love you forever.
I will keep my eyes open for it for you Heather.
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