It is in Japan. Apparently, it is a "pedal coaster" that you pedal the entire thing. If you can make it up that first uphill climb, it is a doozy! It does, in fact, look death defyingly scary. But those uphill climbs are a killer.
By the way, I ran 17 miles just now. I almost passed out at mile 16 when I had to stop for traffic. My entire body cramped up like a boa constrictor about two blocks from my house. I thought I was going to have to crawl home.
Is that for real??? Amazing!
Yeah! 17 miles! You're almost there - keep it up. Watch out for those late run cramps. Take it easy if you have to.
I just ran a 12 miler this morning, I had to do it early because of soccer this morning and the girls' dance recital this afternoon and evening. I ran really slow today, I don't know why. It's really hot out.
Good work! Everyone says that they hit the wall between mile 16 and 17, so you are right on track.
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