Hello beloved Cheese readers! I have three things.
I have been invited by
The Purse Blogger to write about what it's like to be a Mormon Man Blogger. The Purse has become a good blog friend and you should definitely check her out. I am honored to be invited to guest. I believe you will find the post enlightening. Also, if you stop following me because I am Mormon, then you are lame. Anyway, you can find me here today:

Secondly, I never participate in meme's. I do appreciate receiving awards, but I rarely post them or jump through the hoops required upon acceptance. But this week, I was told by Joanna at Laundry Hurts My Feelings that I would do it or the Laundry Mafia would hunt me down and torture me. This meme requires that I post 9 truths about myself and 1 lie. Can you find the lie.
9 truths and 1 lie1. At age 34, I sat in a McDonald's Playland Urine Tube.2. I have sat inside a dumpster full of rotting chocolate milk.3. One time, I sat in the back of Burt Reynold's truck.4. I once had my wife wax my arm hair.5. I once dressed up as Barney the Dinosaur and picked up Chinese food.6. At the age of 12, I broke both my legs skiing at the same time.7. In a freak Junior High shop accident, I belt sanded my eyebrows off.8. I have licked bugs off a windshield.9. I have gotten an Amish kid in trouble with his parents.10. I have seen the movie, "The Karate Kid 2" over 30 times.
Hmm. Interesting choices, eh?
Finally, I want to really thank all my followers for sticking with me to 500 and beyond! Never would I have thought that this blog would ever be that popular. It was a pleasure dressing up as Barney for you. I'm in the process of coming up with my next stunt for 600. So far, all I have come up with is driving to Southern Utah and cutting off my arm after getting it stuck under a rock. Are there any other better suggestions?
I'm the FIRST? HOLY MOLY! Ok, I'll go check you out over there but FIRST I have to guess the lie.
Hasn't everyone sat in a urine tube at McD's? Teachers get in dumpsters all the time.
If you're hairy, then they needed to be waxed. Totally saw the barney video {awesomeness}. Breaking both legs sounds painful and TRUE.
Boys are stupid and I can see number 7 being something you did.
Boys also eat/lick weird things.
I bet Mormon's have it in for Amish kids.
Karate Kid 2 was gay. I hope it was number 10 but I have to go with number 3. Who would WANT to sit in Burt Reynold's truck anyway?
Am I right? What did I win?
I hope #7 is the lie. Ow!
Far less painful than cutting off your arm would be coming to the St. Louis area and guest teaching in my first grade classroom. You can wear the Barney costume, though I doubt my kiddos will be impressed. Bring your wife and kids...she and I can sit in the corner, videotaping and giggling while your kids shut the door in your face. :)
Why am I up at 1:30 am on a school night? Bc I've just had three straight snow days and have gotten spoiled at being able to sleep in. Tomorrow morning may not be pretty at all.
I'm going with #6 and now I'm going over to the purse blogger.
PS I like the title. The word "meme" just confuses me, and I think people use it incorrectly. Let's just call it a writing prompt. xo
Hello, fellow Mormon.
Hmm...I'm going to guess that #10 is not correct. You've probably seen it only 27 times, right?
Now now... are you mocking me with the writing prompt bit? BAHAHA!!! And I thought it was a Eauropean shoulder bag... ;p
ANYWAY... I'm guessing you were never in the back of Burt Reynold's truck BUT I HOPE you didn't break both your legs at the same time in a skiing accident. YOWZA!! the FEAR of THAT, mu friend... is exactly WHY I've never been downhill siing in spite living among "The Greatest Snow on Earth"... *sigh*
WHAT?? You're Mormon?? Living in UT AND Mormon?? Get OUT!! Who'd have guessed!! Hehehe!! You're in good company!! (((HUGS)))
Holy CRAPOLA spelling! European... my... skiing... I really am not THAT illiterate. But I AM a little anal in having to SPELL it OUT now... You know how hard it was not to delete that other one. I shouldn't LOOK after they post... Just move on and be happy in my ignorance. ;p
I hope most of them are lies but the urine tube rings too true to be a lie... yikes.
Nice to meet you. Found you at Purse bloggers site...
i suppose as a Mormon you don't drink either? I'm Vodka Logic, but don't always talk about vodka, so conme visit :-)
I don't know if it's sad or that Ive been a follower this long, but I can see you doing ALL the above. So to pick one that you haven't done is impossible. Maybe it's the breaking of both legs while skiing
I can't believe you call yourself a MORON!! I think you are swell.
Cheers, Sausage...
I like the way you listen. Keep it up.
Now, let's see, since I've been reading you as long as I have, I pretty much know most of this already. I'm just hung up on a few...Hmm...
Even though, I could see you doing something ridiculous with a belt sander and buzzing off the eyebrows, I'm still going to go with that one. You're way too hairy. You'd really have to concentrate to take off your brows.
Thanks for playing, Cheese. I don't do memes, either, but like you, someone wrenched my arm behind my back. There are some vicious thugs in the blog world. I'll tell you what.
Off to read what it's like to be man Mormon blogger. Hold up? You're Mormon? Now when did THAT happen? I could have sworn you were of the snake handler faith.
I'm gonna say #7 is a lie... lol.. if it's not, that's pretty funny!!
I like Kate's idea that you guest teach her class when you get to 600, but don't you already teach first grade?
Better idea...teach my 6th grade class, in the Barney suit, and see if you live to tell about it!
I know for sure that 1-5 are true and I am not sure about the rest. Although, you seem like a crazy enough person that is is likely all of them are true!
I sure hope you won't cut your arm off. This may hinder your blogging capabilities!
I will go check out the purse blog now! Happy Friday to you, my friend!
I'm going with #7 also-the belt sander. And what IS a meme? That one confuses me all the time. I prefer "writing prompt" as well.
I'd say Burt Reynolds is a lie - sounds too normal for you.
For 600 followers - posing as a pregnant woman? You run with it from there...
I will go w/ 7. You said "eyebrows" and there is no way you'd keep belt sanding after eyebrow #1 comes off. I also hate the word meme. I feel effeminate typing it.
I'm guessing number 10 is a lie. Who in their right mind would watch that movie that many times? Of course, who in their right mind would sand their eyebrow off. But I used to teach 7th graders and that sounds totally plausible to me.
Enjoy the day!
I'm going with #7. Because number #10 would just be to painful to understand why.
I'm going with #2. The guess. Not the other thing.
I am going with #10.
you easily could have done any of those ridiculous things....i'm going with the sanding off the eyebrows---you didn't used to crave such attention till your later years. ;)
hmmm, there's gotta be a better choice than the arm cutting...how about you pull a charlie sheen, minus the infidelity--just get naked and trash a hotel--
oh, my --just read your post over at the purse lady--i promise i made my charlie sheen suggestion before even reading your reference to it in your guest blogger post....i think this was a sign that i get you.
LOL - if anyone leaves because of you being Mormom, I agree, they're lame. :)
I'll say the lie is that you sandblasted off your eyebrows. That would have taken some skin with it, I'm sure. OUCH!!
Have a great weekend and big CONGRATS on your 500 followers!!
I think you forgot to add your lie...
I loved your post on the purse blogger and I'm a happy new Mo-Mom blogger, although I post more about cloth diapers than I do homemade recipes. ;0) Your thoughts about why you blog and who you hope to reach felt like something I would say about my own blog. I'm looking forward to reading more!
OK! Now that you've explained that it's a writing prompt maybe even I will participate now! (Not really.)
Interesting list. I must think about this....
All I can say is, if a blog has the word "Cheese" in the title, I will follow.
Found you from Alex's blog today, nice to meet you and your cheesedom.
Its not a purse its a MAN BAG!!
I remember you doing Burt Reynold's truck but it wasn't REALLY true, just like Paige Page isn't REALLY doing commercials for you, so is that it?
Snowboarding in a swimsuit? Go 600!
Your post over there CRACKED ME UP!!!
And? I think ALL of those are true. Cuz most of em you've TELEVISED. Or blog-ized. Or whatever.
I have a feeling #7 is a lie. Is it?
Hey Mo-Chizzle!
(thats Mormon gang-slang for Cheese Boy)
Thats all I've got.
Ooh another game! This is fun.
OK I believe number 2 to be true because you're a school teacher and I believe all school teachers have sat in a pit of chocolate milk. It's in the contract, I think.
#3 is just too bizarre to even make up.
I know #5 is true from reading this blog...
So I'm gonna go with the licking the bugs off the windshield. Because- just, ew.
I'm really hoping #8 is the lie. Because yuck.
Burt Reynolds isn't man enough to own a truck - I am calling BS on that one - now off to purse to get more funny from you. I'm a user.
I’m saying it’s the Reynolds truck.
has to be #7... that would be too awful
Oh any if those could be true, but I am going with the eyebrow thing as well you have eyebrows now and they don't seem crazy bushy-which seems like they would be if they grew back in. Headed over to purse blogger.
Karate Kid II? I could understand #1 or even #3, but #2?
You have quite the stomach for things, don't you?
Oh, and it's probably about breaking both of your legs...you know, being the lie.
And you've surged ahead once again my good man - bravo! Now I'm two behind.
I think you are messing with us. They are all true. hahaha.
Dang! I only saw it 22 times. Off to see your PB. And love the barney videos.
We're in suspense awaiting the answer to your statements...and boy, did your number of followers jump quickly, you're doing something right. Very funny stuff!
I refuse to believe that any of them are a lie!!!
And 600 followers definitely calls for either telling your entire class that there is no Santa Claus or wearing false eyelashes while taking a family photo.
Ok, I brought my son to this blog to view the Barney video and we laughed out loud because of the satchel. That's one of our favorite parts of The Hangover.
By the way, I personally love Mormon people :D
Maybe at 600 viewers you should take one for the team and go on Mission Space 20 times in a row. It would get you a trip to Disney World! If that's too much, maybe the Tower of Terror 20 times in a row. Another trip to Disneyland, what could be better??? It's a win/win for everyone!
Happy 500! You rock!
I'm going to guess either the eyebrows or arm hair because having two weird hair things happen is a lot for one life time, isn't it?
thinking back on your life... are you wishing that this was actually one truth and NINE lies... because certainly, I could do without 9 of those things. maybe ten.
but if you REALLY belt sanded your eyebrows off then I am going to need photographic evidence.
Since #10 sounds the most 'normal' of things to do I'm gonna say that's the lie. But at the same time, who hasn't seen The Karate Kid over 30 times? That Ralph was a hottie!
I pray #6 isn't true. It's not true, right? Ouch!
I bet you shaved your eyebrows off with a sander. I swear I didn't cheat. But that's a lie. I can't help it if I catch up backwards.
And I will never stop following you because you're a Mormon. Or if you cut your arm off-tho THAT would be a stunt. (Have you seen the movie?)
I don't think you have broken both of your legs. If so you are one clumsy m'effer!
Your a Mormon? I thought you were a teacher. Get your story straight huh? ;)
I loved the line "If you stop following me because I'm Mormon then you are lame". Best line ever. You should make a button! I want one.
I'm reading your posts backwards, so I know the answer :-)
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