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The upside down cup challenge. |
Contestants are given one minute to:
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This could be a challenge! |
2. Open 3 CDs without breaking a case.
3. Getting a 3 year old to finish dinner.
4. Buckle a toddler into a car seat.
5. Talk an 8-year-old into putting away his Nintendo DS so that he can come to dinner.
6. Load a dishwasher to a mother's approval.
7. Clean the puke out of bedsheets.
8. Get a fire alarm to stop beeping.
9. Get siblings to NOT touch each other in an annoying fashion.
10. Locate the single set of scissors in your house.
11. Find your screaming child's helmet in the crowded garage.
12. Go through a Target checkout without someone begging for candy.
13. Getting the Coke machine to take a crumpled dollar bill.
14. Being able to obtain a babysitter at the last minute.
15. Fully restart a computer with Windows 98.
16. Talk someone into going out and getting the Sunday paper.
17. Politely get off the phone with someone the caller ID calls "Toll Free".
18. Shake a wedged driver's license out of the bank drive-through bottle thing.
19. Give a FHE lesson to your obnoxious and arguing children.
20. Get to the actual menu on a DVD.
**Arm waxing video coming soon!
My dog puked on my bed this morning. I think you can cross that one off the list for me.
How did you get a hold of my daily personal "to do" list?!
This is a MOST excellent list of ideas for the show. Send it in, they should be pleased, since NO ONE will be able to crack those bad boys.
I would like to add, "Open an US Weekly Without Seeing a Picture of Kate Gosselin."
I like their version better...
These are all very challenging. I can never figure out the darn fasteners on carseats, else I'd offer to be your last minute babysitter.
You have proven it with this post. You are a real parent! I almost had a panic attack reading through your challenges!
I am not sure why so many people are having 'puke' incidents in bed? Isn't that what pillowcases and limousines are for? I have gotten weaker with old age so now to open jelly jars I use a giant 2 foot clamp from the garage for leverage. It works everytime but you have to get used to the 'grape flavored' cobwebs.
Number 13 is impossible, they are programmed not to take them (it isn't just about crumples, it's about a developer stroking a white cat whilst mutter about taking over the world) and you have drive through banks?! OMG!!!!
The rest is just standard for the parenting diploma, sounds to me like you are falling behind in the perfect parent race ;0)
You definitely have the better list (to watch someone else struggle through, not to actually live it-- in fact, I'd be happy to donate my children for most of those challenges).
#16 is easy in these parts.
Sunday is the one with all the sport news. And the TV guide.
It's the Tuesday paper nobody wants.
Completely agreed! I would add - "Do an preteen girls uber thick hair" to the list.
I'm a mess with #20.
I sworn off tv altogether cause I can't use the remote!
Never heard of this game show. WOW I am getting a glimpse into pop culture by visiting your blog! First the unknown book, and now the unknown show!
I got one. (for a dude) To not look at a woman wearing a low cut shirt.
I could of came up with that show!!
Wahhhhh, I have obnoxious and arguing children and I don't know what the FHE lesson is.
#3 is flatly impossible to accomplish in under 15 minutes. And that's on a good day. When the child is ravenous. And it's his or her favorite food.
Very good ideas, have you thought of going to the producers and seeing if they would pick up any of those :) hehehe I think trying to get a cat to come to you without using food/treats is a good one too!
By the way.. congrats on 400 followers, don't know how to feel about the arm waxing video, but bring it on!!
with you as the producer, you'll make millions!
LOL - this is a great list of ideas!! How bout...be able to read through hundreds of blogs and leave comments!
Whether this was just some random list or not....AMEN! (I pounded those letters l-o-u-d-l-y) Quite an accurate list of parenthood that would seem quite difficult to accomplish in under a minute. :)
So true! Getting a soda machine to take a crumpled bill. Too funny!
I think you should submit these ideas. They might just hire you! Then again, I wouldn't quit my day job if I were you!
Dude, the computer one got my blood pressure up--I HATE RESTARTING OLD COMPUTERS!! :)
I'm so glad I don't have to do #7. Ick!
I don't understand the upside down cup thing to save my life, haha. Your challenges are way more better!
Getting husband to speak after taking him to the opera.
All I can say is it's time to wax your ARM HAIR!!! Woohoo!
Those are fantastic! For the CD cases, injuring oneself in the process should be an instant elimination.
And it's waxing time!
I've never seen this show, but it sounds marvellous, especially if they introduced your great adaptations. Number 3 could prove tricky, and number 6 is nigh on impossible :)
I have never heard of this show as I spend all my time watching forensics tv. Now I am scared to leave the house. But perhaps if they used your list I would be tempted to watch their show.
I think that is going to be a real big series.
Tonz better than Survivor.
Eat 6 Saltine brand crackers.
Congtars on 400! I learned a really cool and easy way to open stuck jars...it involves some plyers, some cursing and a really strong man ;)
I would definitely watch if these were the challenges! Love this post!
I like your tasks so much better. You really put some good thought into them!
Add: Post a comment to The Blog O' Cheese before the other 404 followers do! (you have the most comments on a blog I have ever seen!)
How did you spell "challenges" right in the post but not in the title? :)
I'll do it. I am GAME for it. Wait, what about ME making it through a checkout without begging for candy?
You should definitely send these in to the show. These are way more challenging than the ones they are using. Great post!
You should definitely send these in to the show. These are way more challenging than the ones they are using. Great post!
I can do many of those things. Even cleaning puke out of bed sheets. Not sure I've done it in under 60 seconds though. I don't care to be tested either.
This totally cracked me up. I don't think I could do any of these.
Unless I can bribe my toddler with a lollipop as I buckle him into his seat.
Do you carry around a notebook and jot these things down as you think of them? Your wittiness astounds me.
I struggle with 3, 4, 5 and 9 on a regular basis.
21. Read through the entire comment board for any post on the Blog O' Cheese, then try to think up something original and witty to contribute.
I could win half of those…the other half? Well, let's just not go there...
And eating testicles of any wild animal! Oh wait... that's been done already. Oh well.. carry on.
with the exception of #10 (I just happen to know where my scissors are), NONE of those are possible. NONE. Not even the Target candy thing (and I don't have kids). I beg myself for candy every time...
#13 - the crumpled dollar bill in a vending machine is the one that drives me nuts! Those would all be fantastic ideas for the show. Are you sending them in?
Thanks for visiting!!
I have never seen that show. I will have to check it out! YOur suggestions were way better!
Why are you trying to open a jar with a waffle cone?
I saw that episode with the cups and thought Wow, Marsha Brady hasn't aged one bit!
I think you need to pitch your list to some TV Execs. I'd rather watch your show than see 20 people in lifejackets and spandex trying to outsmart the Big Red Balls while covered in soap and mud. - G
This list got my blood pressure up. I think I had a mild anxiety attack just thinking about doing all these... UGh!
PS - I think you need to add something about taking a child to the bathroom. That one always seems to have challenges.
I would only have to change "Find ONE of twenty sets of scissors in the house" for this to fully apply to our family.
I would add "Find keys/cell phone/gum in the bottom of my purse." Being a guy, you wouldn't understand the purse abyss.
As always, GREAT post!
*ahem* I hope you don't understand the purse abyss, but if you do, that's fine too. I'm OK Cheese Boy, you're OK.
A ridiculously silly show.
And now I can't stop thinking about that movie "Idiocracy"...
How in the heck do you come up with this stuff???? I wish I had your imagination!
good suggestions
#15 please tell me you do NOT write this blog on such an old system. Being a pro blogger you should get a mac.
#16 cmon support the newspaper industry - subscribe
Add - get more that 60 comments on your blog post
I want to see the kids in a car seat. I so hate that job and with daycare every adventure out is 4 in car seats. YUCK!!!
I love your list. :o)
Take care and have a great Friday and a terrific weekend.
God Bless!!
Hahaha!! Yes! You are brilliant. Truly. I am with you on all of them, especially the candy at the cash register bit. On another note, your definition on my "Captcha Balderdash" game about Brad Pitt cracked me up! You are a nutcase!! Yay for nutcases!! There aren't enough around...
Your challenges are much much better. Favorite was the toddler in a car seat. When they're wiggling all over the place, that is one of the hardest things to do.
Happy Friday
I think you should send your suggestions in!
Hahaha! Good suggestions. And I thought Philippines and Japan has the silliest shows
Do a load of laundry and manage not to lose any socks.
Now those are real challenges! I would watch that game show!
HA! laughed out loud (truly) at the idea of anyone being able to load the dishwasher to my satisfaction... my inlaws discussed this with ManOfTheHouse and I not long ago... turns out that my father in law and I load it the same way - and everyone else is wrong.
I don't have time to read your 402 million comments, so I don't know if I'm copying anyone, but I'd say successfully rip off a piece of packing tape from its roll, the full piece and not just a half a one, should definitely be on there.
Also spending 5 minutes in a car with 3 teenage daughters who all PMS at the same time, would be another one.
Don't forget finding a matching pair of shoes for your 3 yr old.
I love this list! Some of that stuff can't be done in ten minutes let alone three.
Now that's a show I'd watch!
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