If there is anyone out there who still doubts that the University of Utah is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dreams of Ron McBride and Urban Meyer are still alive in our time, who still questions the power of our defense, tonight is your answer.
It's the answer told by lines that stretched around the stadium in numbers this University has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.
It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Ute fans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red fans and blue fans.
We are, and always will be, the University of Utah!
It's the answer that led those who've been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.
It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date, at this defining moment, change has come to Utah.
Who am I sir? A Utah man am I! A Utah man sir, I will be till I die.
Go Utes!
1 comment:
I felt the spirit as I read this. Amen.
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