- The blog was established in 2008 and had a total readership of 1 - myself.
- The blog was originally created to help starving children in Mediterranean/Baltic area, but has morphed into a blog that provides assistance to starving adults that are between meals everywhere. This blog gives us all hope that dinner is just an hour or two away. I feel that this is a greater cause.
- The Blog O' Cheese has been called "inspiring", "uplifting" and "one of the year's best", which is also, not coincidentally, what this copy of The Blind Side that I am holding says on the cover. This blog could also be described as "Sandra Bullock shines!"
- The blog has a strong "mommy blog" following, but that is only because mommies generally do love Sandra Bullock.
- The official spokeswoman of the Blog O' Cheese is Paige Davis of Trading Spaces fame. She has a series of Blog O' Cheese ads that will be airing across the nation soon, but you will see them here first.
- The official mascot of the Blog O' Cheese is also Paige Davis. However, the mascot is not Paige herself, just someone dressed up in an cartoon Paige Davis costume.
- There may be a Paige Davis, Blog O' Cheese balloon in the next Pioneer Days parade.
- The staff at the Blog O' Cheese consists of myself, my secretary and Paige Davis, who is also my secretary. Also, Paige is in charge of sewing and creating a parade balloon of herself.
- The Blog O' Cheese has officially won one award, the "First to 100 award" given to me by the lovely Beth at: Beth: A Work in Progress. Thank you Beth, you are a saint, or a saintess, or whatever we call female saints nowadays. But really, it's not about the awards for me. It's all about helping some hungry sap make it through their last couple hours of work before dinner time.
- The official song of the Blog O' Cheese is "My Funny Valentine", but NOT the self-indulging, ghastly Sinatra version. No, the official song of the Blog O' Cheese is the illustrious Michael Bolton version of "My Funny Valentine".
- The Blog O' Cheese is politically neutral. However, if we as a staff were to choose a political party, it would probably be the Rastafarian movement because both Paige and I loved Cool Runnings.
- As promised, there will be a video blog from the dumpster at my school. I plan on taping it on Wednesday or Thursday, depending on when Paige can get the balloon finished.
My blog has a strong mummy blog following as well. They're great followers, and good on them.
My blog was once called UCT Petroluem (UPE) and Jordie McKenzie, which is coincidentally what the scribbled notes next to my computer say.
Congrats on 100! No wonder Paige is wearing her goggle glasses and holding keys!
Can't wait for the video inside the dumpster. Be sure to take it right after lunch! That's an exciting time for a dumpster!
Neil Diamond? Bob Wiley has it right. I happen to like ND unless he sings "O Holy Night" That's when I look to Michael Crawford! He can at least hold a note!
Looking forward to the video.
And I have a lot of women and mommies following my blog as well. Maybe there's a stud factor. (Yeah, I am kidding about that!)
Yay! and congrats on your 100 followers.
What a brilliant idea!
Congrats, honey.
Congrats on reaching your goal. I remember when I had 1 reader as well. Luckily, times have changed and I am no longer writing just for myself…
well, and my parents, but parents really don't count now do they?
Paige... I knew I was right to start following this blog. She'd only line up behind quality posting.
I wanted to say that I've been a loyal reader since day 1 but now that I went back and looked I didn't leave a comment until the Neti Pot post!
I thought that Paige Davis had died, until I realized that she really only had died to me. Glad she still has that stupid RC Willey gig.
I have some fun facts for you!
Did you know that Paige Davis's real name is Paige Page?? It is. I would not cheese you.
Also. You have lots of mommy blog followers cuz you are NOT afraid to follow mommy blogs in turn, AND because you are a 1st grade teacher which is an endearment unto itself. :)
As a former faithful follower of Trading Spaces, I recall watching the special episode when Paige got married, but told the world she was not taking her husband's name because then her name would be Paige Page. Congratulations on having 100 followers! Don't forget us little people who knew you way back when as you become an internet superstar!
I truly have not thought of Paige Page Davis in years. Thanks for that.
Wait a minute! There's a neti pot posting here? I gotta go back through the archives... Long live the neti pot.
I watched trading spaces for the longest time, and loved that funny, perky girl. Quality stuff all around.
More than 100 followers! Impressive, cheeseman. I am so excited for the dumpster post that it may be what I think about to get me through the week with my first graders, instead of The Office or Parks and Rec or Community!
Woo hoo! Congratulations to you, Cheeseboy!! You are awesome. The mommies, and the non-mommies like me, are following you because you are a cute teacher & daddy, with a fabulous sense of humour. I hope your wife's okay that you shared the weekend experience with me, too.
BTW, it took me over 1 year too. Some people are just slow to realize greatness when they see it.
Yeah! 100 followers, so whatch ya gonna do when you get 200?
I love Paige Davis. I didn't know she was living in Utah now.
Funny that you said this blog gives everyone hope that dinner is just an hour or two away, because I find myself forgetting to make dinner because I'm too busy reading blogs.
Tell Paige to resurrect the Trading Spaces 'do. The Dorothy Hamill 'do just isn't cutting it.
Wooo Hoo..1000 Congrats and heres to hundreds more...I dont consider myself a Mommy blogger..but I can still be a faithful follower..I also want to read the Netti pot post..where is that..?
Abe now that you have a great "mommy blogger" following it might not be a bad idea to go back and delete all the earlier posts making fun of mommy bloggers. I'm just sayin.
Wait...you made fun of mommy bloggers??
That's okay. I make fun of some of them too.
Alright Ike... I made fun of mommy blogs once - one of my first posts ever - two years ago. And there was nothing too offensive, I thought. I have since learned my lesson AND changed my tune.
Mommy bloggers are the BEST!!!
Is someone jealous of my mom blog love?
Good for you on 100! Feels good, doesn't it?
ABE! You? In the dumpster? You are afraid of illnesses and you are going to get inside a dumpster? I'd be paranoid... Congrats on your 100 follower! I can follow you any time...I'll just walk across the street!
Thank you for thinking of my starving belly when you started your blog. And I joined to see you in the dumpster as well, so bring it on. Soon.
Congrats on hitting 100. Are you getting a Paige Davis tattoo soon?
Awesome, congrats! I was a follower before you even hit 50, that was like what...a week ago? So, really, you must tell what the think with Paige Davis is? I'm curious to know!
All female saints are called martyrs. Oh wait, that's just my mom, never mind.
*hangs head in shame* Flight of the Conchords?? hehe My partner saved me from posting an embarrassing comment to you about planes!! Sorry I had never heard of them. But I did look them up on the net and now I'm not so ignorant! :o))
Hey congrats on your 100th follower. Any chance of paige assisting my blog biz? Looking forward to the Dumpster premiere.
@ ScoMan - I LOVE how you call the mommies "mummy". Australians are so cool. Also, good move changing the name, although the other names did have a ring to them.
@ Connie - Ew, lunchtime. So much discarded milk. The Neil Diamond Christmas albums have always been a bit strange to me.
I mean, because he's Jewish.
@ Alex - Yes, the stud factor. That is what I tell my wife every night.
@ Empress - Brilliant now, but I will let you know how smart it is when I am inside that dumpster.
@ Teach - Not sure if parents count. They certainly do in my book.
@ TS - Paige knows quality when she sees it. Now where is she with those giant leaves and my grapes?
@ Tammy1 - Ah yes, the Neti Pot post. I really need to redo that one now that I know what the crap I am doing.
@ Kristina - That RC Willey gig is actually quite awesome.
@ Mimi - Thanks. And endearment is my middle name.
@ Tracy - Well, I shant ever forget you, especially since I see you often. And no worries, Paige Page will eventually get divorced and none of this will ever have mattered.
@ Nancy C - You CLEARLY don't live in Utah.
@ Fabu - The Neti Pot post was one of my first posts. If you read it, don't judge too harshly. I was really green back then.
@ Rawkn - Wow, that is a lot of nice things you said to me in one breath. Thank you.
@ Mama - Now THAT is the question. I am sure I will come up with something. Stay tuned...
@ Tammy2 - Well, Paige doesn't live in Utah, she just does commercials for RC Willey, a Utah institution.
@ Venessa - I'll let her know. She has been considering a change.
@ Robin - Okay everyone, here is the Neti pot post. PLEASE do not make fun. I was very new at blogging:
@ Tammy2 - I was young and immature. But when I wrote about mummy bloggers, I don't think I wrote anything that is not true.
@ Ally - Yes, it is a great feeling actually. I blogged for 2 years without any followers at all, and then I caught onto the following thing and it is nice to actually have people read your posts.
@ Daphne - You know me personally and I am actually VERY surprised that you are acting surprised that I am going to do this.
@ Farmer's Wife - Well, I did have the people in mind. It's the least I could do.
@ Bossy - Paige has a tattoo of ME. (Don't think she could show it to you though.)
@ Melinda - YES, it was like to weeks from 50 to 100. I didn't think I would be dumpster diving until July at the earliest. And then school would have been out. I can not believe you still have not had that baby yet.
@ Mami - Ha ha!
@ Niki - I can not believe a New Zealander had never heard of Flight of the Conchords?! Have you not heard of Lord of the Rings as well? (totally kidding)
@ Copyboy - Paige is looking for a little side work. She is really great at making balloons.
Oh, if only you get get Paige Davis to be a "follower". Then you would have it all!
Cool runnings, huh? ;)
Congrats on 100+...! :)
And for the record, I DO love Sandra Bullock!
LOL! Congratulations on your milestone! Wow, to think you only had you, yourself and you as a reader just 2 years ago. That's amazing.
I really love that you are a male blogger. I'm not sure how, seeing as I live with 2 males, that I sometimes forget there are men out there (that is, once I lose myself in mom-blogosphere...).
Not only a mommy blog following! I will probably not be mommy for a good long while...
ALSO, I've been blogging since 2007. I'm officially an older blogger than you.
Congratulations on 100 followers! I'm going to get there one of these days.... lol
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