Last year - Air Force stops Utah on 4 consecutive goal line plays in the closing seconds to secure the victory. Result: I threw up on the way to my car.
2006 - It takes a last second field goal by Louie Sakoda to secure a 17-14 win. Result: Since the season was kinda a wash by then anyway, I gave my friend a half hearted high five.
2003 - The game goes into triple OT and ends when QB/TE Ben Moa dumps a "jump pass" into the end zone for a game winning 2 point conversion. Result: Much jubilation and shouting around the household. I also may have pooped my pants for a second time.
2001 - The Utes drive in the final seconds, ready to at least tie with a field goal when QB Lance Rice inexplicably runs out the clock while looking for a receiver. Result: I swore like I have never swore before. I still need to talk to my bishop about that night.
2000 - I recall sitting comfortably in my Rice-Eccles seats at halftime, enjoying a 35-14 lead. Of course, the Utes blew it and Air Force ran off 30 unanswered points in the second half to win. Result: I swore I would never cheer for a McBride led team again. Oh, and I also did something I promised myself I'd never do again, no matter how bad things got - I boo'd my own team.
1995 - The Utes scored 21 points in the final three minutes to win the game 21-17 or something like that. Result: I was on my mission during that one, but when I heard about this legendary comeback, I nearly burnt myself with my cigarette and spilled my coffee all over my lap.
Like I said, this series is insane and you know that the cadets never, and I mean never, quit. When the Utes play them, I throw out all the stats, the records and what is "supposed to happen." Just win, even it is completely ugly like today, and I am thoroughly satisfied.
People need to stop comparing this team to BYU. This is a good team in their own right and they are only getting better. We'll see what happens on November 22, but in the mean time, enjoy the ride! Our defense may be the best I have ever seen at the U and that includes 2004.
Now, if only Brian Johnson could learn to throw the ball away.
Go Utes! 4-0!
1995 - I remember leaving this game early. I think we turned around and went back because we were listening in the car.
2001 - You are slightly mistaken. A field goal would have WON IT! That's why Lance Rice running out the clock is even worse. Worst clock management I have ever seen.
Any road win is a good win, especially one at Air Force.
PS. Look at BYU's blowouts the last 2 weeks. Yes, they were impressive but they both came at home. BYU has only played one road game this season, and they were dang lucky to win it. However, their next game is at Utah State which may as well count as a home game. I honestly expect a loss for BYU on October 16th when they visit TCU (who is also 4-0 by the way - but will almost definitely lose next week at Oklahoma).
That's right Ike...in 01 they would have/should have won that with a FG. People complain about Whit, and sure he is no Urban... but if you think back to all of the bonehead things the Utes did during McBride's era, Whit is a stinking genius.
I also think BYU will lose to TCU, but that game could go either way. However, if TCU somehow beats OK, I fully expect them to take care of an overrated BYU at home.
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