Monday, May 31, 2010

Me... Cheeseboy, in the back of Burt Reynold's Pickup truck.

And now... the video that you all have been waiting for: Cheeseboy in the back of Burt Reynold's pickup truck! 

I just hope and pray that it doesn't disappoint too much.  The first video is an introduction and the second video is while we are on our way to Burt's place.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Burt looks pretty good for an old dude!

Claire said...

It's funny because it's true, LOL!
Burt ages well, I must say.
It was well worth the wait, that was an amazing truck, Burt had there!!

Cluttered Brain said...

Awesome Cheeseboy. Can't believe you know burt Reynolds in person! Love the stashe. ;))

Hopefully we will be seeing more video from you soon! Like in a Mcdonald playtube! ;)

Lisa said...

Did Burt turn into a woman? Just kidding. I really did think "he" was a woman at first -- until I saw the second video.

Very cute -- good thing you had the kids on board. ;)

Jason, as himself said...

You are a loon.

This was so totally worth all the hype and waiting. Totally.

The Dunham Family said...

I must say I am glad this Burt Reynolds has a cleaner mouth than the one on SNL jepordy.

baygirl32 said...

Love Burt's flowing stashe, takes years off, it really does

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Ha! I need to buy a truck like that for my hubs now! THen we can make cool movies.

Kristina P. said...

Man, he is looking good!! He really hasn't lost any of his sex appeal.

Anonymous said...

I'm suing for false heart skipped a beat that you were with Burt Reynolds!!!!! The real Smokey and The Bandit Burt. :-) You are as looney as me.

Tracie said...

What could possible top this??? I'm wringing my hands in anticipation.

Krista said...

Burt was a lot shorter than I imagined. This isn't one of those "compensation" trucks is it? I never knew that about Burt. I'm glad there weren't any cops around cause you know how Burt gets.

Alexandra said...

I actually believed you!!

How dense am I?

Karen said...

Dude, you rock,lol, and I love the truck. But Burt needs a shave.

Kelly said...

Just think what you can do with a McDonald's playground tube!

Katie's Dailies said...

You're a nut.

My favorite line was: "You can push stop now"!

Anonymous said...

Ha! "You can push stop now." Love it. Now there's some goooood times.

Living Life said...

You are so lucky to know Burt Reynolds! Cause he has a cool truck and cool friends!

Entertaining and not dissapointing at all!

Tree said...

You have issues, Cheeseboy! LMAO I had to stop by just to see Burt Reynolds...he's looking pretty good for an old bugger!!

Daphne A. Quist said...

OM Goodness! That is funny! Love it!! The kids were laughing at themselves! I couldn't stop laughing when someone said they thought Ty was a girl at first! said...

I'm so glad I didn't have to commit a crime & end up in prison to see Burt on screen again. I like your promise that the next PR stunt will be even better. That's setting the bar mighty high.
Congratulations on surpassing 200 so quickly, Cheeseboy!
You are always good for silliness and laughter.

Mrs. M said...

Hilarious! Can't wait to see you at McDonalds!!

Claudya Martinez said...

Honestly? I'm disappointed. How could you allow those children to ride in the back of Burt Reynold's pickup truck without any seat belts. Don't you tell me that it's because the pickup bed does not have seat belts. Anybody knows that in a pinch a seat belt can be fashioned out of duct tape. If I ever see you in the back of Burt Reynolds moving truck again, you better have a duct tape seat belt on or I will citizen's arrest your a$$!

Macey said...

I just will never know how you get such famous people to help you out on your blog?! LOL Didn't disappoint at all!

Lisa Loo said...

The accent is still my favorite part. You are rocking a dialect that makes my cheese mold every time.

Then there is that miracle of botox Burt babe is sporting--who knew skin could stretch like that?!

I think I would like your next "stunt" to be you flying across a stage like Peter Pan.

Diane J. said...

Nope, no disappointment here. LOL I love how you can be in front of the camera and direct at the same time "You can push stop now."

Tell Ol' Burt he's aging very well.

@ctors Business said...

TeHe - so whose next when you reach three hundrerd followers - can't wait. I have to say too Burt Reynolds is looking v good for his age.

Melinda said...

Dude, I'm feeling so insignificant that I don't know any famous people! I am so jealous of you!!

-stephanie- said...

I knew you wouldn't lie to us. Thanks for following through. Did he tell you about the time he posed for Playgirl? Probably not, there were youngsters around.

Babe in Boysland said...

You know Burt Reynolds AND Paige Davis? Lucky.

You know I always read your blog right? I just don't comment because I don't like to seem like I'm jumping on some sort of bandwagon, and sometimes you're getting upwards of 70 comments and I refuse to be one of the crowd.... except I am, cause I'm reading all the same stuff your other readers are, but no one has to know it. THATS what makes me different. The fact that I'm reading but I'm a jerk and don't share my delight with you. In your face in-crowd cheeseblog readers!

Teachinfourth said...

Prisons and airplanes! Love it…

By the way, I laughed.


Tammy said...

Hey! I recognize that moustache! Looks better on the little guy :).

And of course the only thing I can think of when I see this movie is why are you riding in the back of a truck with kids? Don't you know that is so dangerous and you could all DIE!?!

mintifresh said...

Worth all the hype, my friend!

Anonymous said...

Burt's looking great. So is his Pickup truck. Finally, got to see this video. Loved it!:)

W.C.Camp said...

Are you sure that's not SALLY FIELD's truck? I'm almost sure she was driving THAT truck in Smokey and the Bandit? Fun Vid - Thanks. W.C.C.

Marlene said...

LOL. If I rub elbows with you, can I meet Burt, too?

Powdered Toast Man said...

Was The Bandit not available?

ScoMan said...

There were lots of people in the back of Burt Reynold's truck. I think I counted about 5.

You should have asked him if he is Ryan Reynold's brother. They're about the same age, and they have the same surname.

mamahasspoken said...

Burt and Paige, what other famous person do you know?

Liz Mays said...

I'm kinda spellbound and enchanted with you now.

Joann Mannix said...

I had to take a break from my lockdown to visit this.

Wow. Tell Burt he's looking better than he has in years, but he really needs to trim the stash. Handlebars are so 70's. It's as 70's as posing naked on bear skin rugs in Cosmo.

And even though he looks good, the truck looks better. That's a sweet truck!

Great video.

Now, at 300 I want you to make it all dramatic. Have an army of screaming preschoolers blocking your way in the tube, so you're stuck in there and have to find an alternative way out. It'll be like a death trap of raging 3 year olds and you're Bruce Willis, "Yippee-ki-yay Mother Toddlers!"

I like it, Cheese.

Oh, and stay away from the Ikea. It's a scary place, man.

tiburon said...

All my dreams ARE coming true.

I hope I have a new dream tonight because the Burt Reynolds one is now reality.

Green River High School said...

Now that I see this, I think I have met Burt before. Why, Yes, I think I have. That's nice of him to donate some time to you and all the fellow readers.

Bill Lisleman said...

wow what an outpouring of critical review.

So directing and acting at the same time - tricky. But I think you need an editor and soundtrack.

Oh I agree with Unknown Mami about the safety issue. I sure hope you just drove around a quiet neighborhood at a slow speed.

C'est La Vie said...

haha so jealous!!



SueLovesCherries said...

Congratulations! Love the truck! Blue looks so good on Burt! Can't wait for the next one!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

Burt is loosing his awesome "stache".
Needs little more glue in the next appearance.

Can't wait for next publicity stunt.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Burt is looking pretty good for an old guy :)

Love it and i can't wait for the next one!!!

tammy said...

I had no idea so many celebrities were living in UT now.

The neighborhood kids must love you.

Bossy Betty said...

You da MAN!!!!

Gigi said...

How WILL you top Burt when you hit 300 followers??????

Tgoette said...

That was awesome, Cheeseboy! Burt is looking really fit these days. Must be all the colonics I would wager. Anyway, congrats on 200 followers and counting! Nothing succeeds like success! (I don't know what that means, but it sounds clever, so there.)

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

Cheeseboy - you are seriously wacked! I love it! Count me as your newest follower. Who doesn't love cheese?

California Keys said...

Congrats on 200 Cheeseboy! Keep up with the great blogging! And I want to see more name dropping! Who else do you know?

Beth Zimmerman said...

Loved Burt's mustache! LOL!

sammy said...

dude that is one of the best things ive ever seen!

Unknown said...

Cheeseboy, you rock my socks. This was HILARIOUS. And your son is absolutely adorable!

Claudya Martinez said...

I wasn't going to link to you again because it seems I link to you almost every week, but Lindsay from Just My Blog sent me an email saying that I should link. Oh well, I can't help it if your posts bring out the commenting genius in me. So you've been linked to again.