Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday Graph: Tattoo Location Referral Guide for Women

53 comments: said...

Girls routinely get tattooed on their head? Hmm, yeah, they must be Schizophrenic.

Suniverse said...

I've never actually been called rugged before, but sure, I'll go with it.

mintifresh said...

There's a fine line between "not a tramp" and "tramp"

The Bipolar Diva said...

uh oh. Well at least I can cover mine when I want. I fall into a couple of your slots. What if the tramp and not a tramp are all one big piece?

Living Life said...

No tats here (or there), BUT if I were to have one, it would fall under the "cool" or "savvy" category.

SherilinR said...

yay, i've got the cute one!

CynthiaK said...

Well I have a few in spots you've noted but several in spots you haven't. What about the rest of the body?

Samuel said...

its such a thin line from between being a tramp and not being a tramp at all

Cperz said...

I don't have any tatoos but think I would have to get multiple tats to cover all the right adjectives that would apply to me and maybe add a few extras for some of the adjectives you didn't mention.

Tom said...

I saw a funny picture on the Internet of a lady who had a nice tattoo of Tramp from Disney's Lady and the Tramp on her lower back. It was a literal tramp stamp.

baygirl32 said...

Yeah, so I'm cute and I'm not a tramp

Lene said...

I knew I should have aimed a little higher.

Christine said...

The mother of a friend just got a tattoo on her arm in Japanese characters. The friend asked her Mother, "How do you know the symbol doesn't really say Your Stupid."

Funny your talking about tattoo's when I just dreamed about getting one last night. That's freaky.

Middle-aged Mormon Man said...

Where does the "frightening" label go?

Southpaw said...

Well, now I know where to put my tattoo. ;)

Oilfield Trash said...

There is some truth to that.

The Stiffs said...

Good to know. Believe it or not I had a conversation about tattoo placement with some ladies at a church function just this morning.

laughingmom said...

Since 99% of your readers are women, perhaps a graphic of tattoo placement for men would help us understand that species a little better!

00dozo said...

I can't wait to see the Tattoo Location Referral Guide for Men.
Heh, heh.

Kate Geisen said...

I have none of the above, but if I had one, it would be in the cute location. Incidentally, I'd also be single then since my husband told me he'd leave me if I got a tattoo (which naturally makes me want to get one just bc I don't like being told what not to do)

Kristina P. said...

What about a nipple tattoo?

RaShelle Workman said...

I guess, according to your graph, I'm... half a tramp. Or, maybe I'm a kewl tramp. Yeah, I'm gonna go with that. I'm sure my husband would agree. =D

Pedaling said...

if i were to get a stupid tattoo, I'd get it on my wrist.

Melinda said...

Crap, what's my name again?

Alittlesprite said...

What's on both shoulder blades mean? lol..

AGuidingLife said...

Have been wondering for a while if I am the only person in the world without a tattoo so (as I mentioned before) am considering the w on each rear cheek ;)

mamahasspoken said...

I am always interested in women who get tattoos and why.I don't have any and propably won't ever get one. But then, one day during a faculty meeting, I couldn't help but noticed that this one teacher who is known for being miss prim and proper, had one on her foot. I would say it was cute except I couldn't make out what it was. hence my fear, I go through all the pain of getting one, and years later no one knows what it is...

Teachinfourth said...

I just might have to print this out for reference when I go clubbing...

Pat said...

Thanks. Inquiring minds wanted to know. So I've been thinking of getting a barbed wire tattoo around my upper arm so when I drive Big Blue and hang my arm out of the truck, I'll look tuff. Now you're saying I'll look "rugged". Huh. I'm just a step away from having that tattoo on my hand because my memory is getting so bad.

Dana K said...

Thank you so much for this. If I ever get a tattoo, I now have a handy dandy reference guide. I think I'll go with my left forearm/wrist or hand. Can you simultaneously be savvy AND forget your name?

Lourie said...

Hahaha! I need the "forgets name" tat. HAHAHA

Plain Jane said...

Now I understand why my patients have tattoos on their heads...

Vanessa said...


Colie said...

Apparently I'm a savvy tramp...errr...not a's a close call... said...

That's a pretty accurate guide, Cheeseboy. Nicely done, though I'm glad I don't have a tatoo or triangular figure.

Colie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Miss Bee said...

Awesome! I am a cute non-tramp. I'll take it!

(With that being said, I do think that tattoo parlors should warn 20 year old girls who ask for a small star near their belly buttons that this small star will expand as your belly expands. I can't wait to see what it looks like when I'm pregnant.)

Unknown said...

I can't decide if mine is high enough to be referred to as "not a tramp" or not??? hhhmmmmmmmm.......

Unknown said...

Ha!! I love how there is such a thin line between being a tramp & not being a tramp. I guess I'm a tramp.

Oh, you know I don't have any tattoos. Well, you don't KNOW but you know. Know what I mean?

Unknown said...

Gosh, thanks for the map, because it's so hard for me to be judgmental on my own. :D

Cap'n Salty said...

Woooo! I'm cute and not a tramp!!!

Jamie said...

I'm so glad you cleared that up for me! Whew!

Shrinky said...

So funny! I'm glad I never went for any tat's in my youth - they'd be all droopy and saggy by now!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I am a cute, rugged, non trampy, savvy chick! Woo HOO! Shew..I will rest easy!

Hart Johnson said...

Mines on my back (not my butt--not even low enough to see if my shirt creeps up) what does that mean?

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

what about those who are too scared to get one? What are we?

TesoriTrovati said...

Did you ever see the SNL commercial with the back tat that gets old and wrinkly? Hilarious. I drew the line when my daughter got a Barbie with a tatoo encircling her plastic belly button. Me, I am not a tat fan. I don't mind if someone has them, I just don't really care to see them... but to each his own. So I guess I don't rate any of these adjectives.

Kelley Simpson said...

It seems I am a rugged tramp, who is not always trampy... Thanks for spelling it all out. lol

Bees With Honey said...


Your diagram is missing areas where I have my tatoos. So what does that mean? Hrm?

I think you need to re-think this diagram dude.

Missy said...

I just got back from Wal-Mart and saw someone (he/she) with all of these areas covered...

Marnie said...

Not a tramp and tramp are very close by! I wonder what you are if it's between those points? Hmmmm? Great diagram, and I do agree with tattoos on faces. Just wrong.

Macey said...

HAAAAAAA!!! I know someone who has like 3 tramp stamps. Which, she didn't need can kinda tell she's a tramp w/out checking. LOL

Deborah said...

Alright! I'm cute and about to go for savvy. Nice!