Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dancing Teachers! (Cheeseboy included)

I've been very busy lately. No time to blog.  I've been working on our epic first grade program, for which I will have video shortly.  In the meantime, enjoy this AWESOME video that I made of the teachers at our school dancing! (I did the filming, a fellow teacher's husband did the editing.)

We showed the video to the entire school during our first grade program and they roared with laughter.

You can see ME dancing at 0:13, 2:99 and 4:25.  But watch the whole thing cause it is pretty darned awesome! 


  1. My tax dollars at work!
    And proof white boys can't dance. (Myself included.)

  2. That was great! It looks like you all have fun at "work"

  3. There are teachers who look into it, and are busting a move.

    aaaaand there are those who are... well... not.

    I think the ones who are half-assing it look a little more ridiculous than the booty-shakers do, don't you think?

  4. First, I want to work at YOUR school. Please? So much cooler than mine.

    Second, I'm still laughing. Love the shades and the moves. You are the 2nd best First Grade Teacher I know!

    Last, great song. Loved the post.

  5. I had read about this, but hadn't actually seen it.

    Apparently, dancing is a good therapy. Afterwards, everyone sits in a circle for a group session, then they take their meds, and are then put back in their restraints for sleepy-time.

    I wish you all well...

  6. Do you have to audition to teach at that school?

    Have you ever noticed the walls in the hallway look strangely like an LDS church building?

  7. What a great idea to make the teachers a little more human to their students! That's hilarious.

    And your Napolean comments around here crack me up.

    What is the significance of "cheeseboy?" Did I miss that post?

  8. That was great! Looks like a fun place to work! But you aren't kidding me - everyone is really ecstatic because it's the end of the school year!

  9. I want to teach at your school.

  10. Now that was totally awesome!

    I wanna dance with you.

  11. That's awesome.
    It's those teachers we remember as adults.

  12. Hoo-ray for the Monkee-walk!!! Love the bit with the tiny chair. Nice.

  13. Very awesome! I LOVED the flowered visor and the stuffed animals.

  14. I love this! What a great idea. It looked like you all had so much fun :0)

  15. I feel like just watching that video all my dreams came true!

  16. Very cool. I love that so many participated.

    But tell me, does your school have any color in it?? Everything is grey and white. Looks like a very nice school though.

  17. SOOO funny-only it got even better when I realized that my MIL is in it!!! HAHAHAHAHA! (Carol V.) I had no idea where you taught until tonight. Go Westland!

  18. The chair stunt at 2:59 was almost "Flashdance" all over again. All you needed was a buck of water. But then again, maybe not. I'm not sure the good people of Westland Elementary are ready for that...

  19. That was awesome -- looked like something some of my former colleages would have done. Or that some of my kids' current teachers would have done. WTG, Cheeseboy!

  20. LOL.. wow, and I thought we had fun at work cause we got to drink beer.

  21. The teachers and staff of your school ROCK!

    That was utter fabulousness. You should all be so proud.

    You guys gave that dancing Chris Brown wedding party, a run for their money.

  22. Ahhh- I love this video- so fun! I'm pretty sure all the teachers must love you at your school... seems like you bring out the fun and silly side in everyone!

  23. Love It! Watch out John Travolta here comes the Cheese!

  24. The lady with the Flowered Visor beating the Dino with a ruler has killed me!!!!!
    What a fun school!!!!

  25. *snort* I so might have contemplated teaching had I known we got to make dance videos...

    I DO notice a lack of racial diversity among staff, but I suppose being SLC, there is lack of racial diversity among people generally...

    Anyway, I've tagged you in my meme today... we will expect you to dance in and claim it...

  26. I watched this at CA Girls last night, too funny! My favorite is you diving across the piano... Ya know I don't think that is the type of piano most people lay on :)

  27. Such a cute video! And I must say, those are some pretty sweet dance moves. Napoleon Dynamite would be jealous. GOSH.

    I wish you were my son's teacher. I think if anybody could keep him busy, it would be you. :)

  28. That is truly awesome. What a bunch of really good sports you work with to do this. I noticed a couple of shy types in the bunch. How did you rope them into dancing? The ladies with the stuffed animals and the rulers were making me a little nervous though. Rulers in the hands of teachers bring back some bad memories (kidding) Really that was great fun.

  29. I'm here to laugh and help you hit your 700 mark! I want to see you break dance!

  30. That WAS pretty darn awesome. I want to party at your school.
    Nice chair move, Cheeseboy.

  31. Piano dancing is the best!
    Some have the rhythm, others...don't but that's OK. Looked like lots of fun!

  32. I'm shocked to see David "dancing!"

  33. Wow. That's a lot of swinging lanyards. And those moves with the phones and keyboards are pretty fancy. You must have an amazingly competent office staff. This was fun to watch! I'm now gonna ask our art teacher to make one for us.

  34. I know for a fact that lady at 2:26 with the red sweater used to work a pole in her younger years.....

    Great video!

  35. You are no doubt the craziest teacher at Westland Elementary! I enjoyed the music and the video!

  36. NICE moves! I can see why the kids loved it! Awesome!

  37. BAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! White folk can't dance!! LOVED IT and what great sports to participate. TY for sharing!!

  38. You all may have Bachelor's degrees in teaching but you definitely have PhD's in dance...and jive..

  39. I always wondered why the backs of chairs never could hold me up when I was in first grade? Also I can't imagine the piano asked for that treatment so next time NO means NO!! W.C.C.

  40. niiiiiiiiice. and omg. boy blogger. I think I love boy bloggers. they are just a smidge more funny than the funniest girl blogger.

  41. Love the woman who prefers to sit down while she dances.

  42. Some of those moves were familiar....
    I think your student's are lucky to have all of you.

  43. That was awesome, Abe!!! I loved it, and I danced along!!!

    (Dare I say it? The Bee Gees rock!)

  44. Shoot, now you're setting the bar for me who whip out some awesomeness this next year...

  45. How does it feel to go viral?

  46. Ha!!! The lady in the red vest CAME TO GET DOWN, so she got off her feet and jumped around! She was awesome! Not any more awesome than you and your chair trick, though. THAT was impressive, Cheese. Wow. How did you learn to do that? Will you be on "So You Think You Can Dance?" this year?


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