Sunday, May 22, 2011

Monster Daddy Moment & Letters by Cheeseboy Jr.

Hello beloved Blog O' Cheese readers.  Today a hilarious fatherhood story I wrote is featured at "Mommy of a Monster".  It's not long at all.  It's probably worth your time to go read it.  Wait, who I am to say it's worth your time?  Plus, Mommy of a Monster is a pretty cool gal. Maybe it's not funny. I don't know. I think it's pretty funny, but I am a moron. Click, if you dare.  But if you don't, at least read the letters my son wrote below the icon.

Mommy of a Monster

My son's third grade teacher gave him a glowing review of the following letters he wrote from an elephant to a snake.  I think a "Cheeseboy Jr." is definitely in the works.

Dear Deer,

I am Ellie the elephant.
My friends are as skinny as my trunk.
They say I'm as fat as an elephant.
I AM an elephant!

Stuck with some snakes,


P.S. How does it feel to be deer?
Dear Ellie,

Oh deer, there's an elephant in the room!
Don't worry, I'm here to help.
Make fun of how skinny they are.
If they respond rudely, tie them to a tree and leave them there over night.



P.S. Don't feel bad. I had the same problem.

Cheeseboy Jr.


  1. Where on earth did he get that idea? OW!

    The letters... cute as:)

  2. Very cute. That's your boy, for sure. :)

  3. I read it once and thought it was funny. My wife asked what I was laughing at - so I read it to her out loud. I could barely get through it because I was crying from laughing so hard.

    Bravo Maestro!

  4. Your poor wife. There's two of you!

  5. Cheeseboy Jr. is just as flavorful as his father...piquant plus!

  6. Very impressive! Love it. You have one smart kid- well probably both of your boys are smart :)

  7. At least we now know who has been tying all those skinny animals to trees.

  8. Your family might prove that creativity is genetic. Very cute.

  9. My gosh! He's a chip of the old block of cheese!

  10. Cute! But to as skinny as an elephant trunk, that would be awesome!

  11. Very cute. I must be hanging out with that same bunch of snakes. Oh well. Heading over now.

  12. Like father, like son! He's going to be a great blog writer some day!

    By the way, what happened with the other one - did he or didn't he?

  13. That boy bears watching.



  14. LOL.. your story is hilarious!! Geez, I feel like I'm missing out on so much by not having kids!!! lol
    Love the letters your son wrote too...very cute!

  15. visiting FROM Mommy of a Monster - cracked up over your Monster Daddy Moment - and then said a prayer of thanks that I have a girl... which might not always be the case, but right now, is. :)

    Great letters!!

  16. OK, so did you ever get out of him WHY he wants to cut off his penis?

  17. Are the elephant's friends, other elephants? Because he must be hanging around all the anorexic elephants, if that's the case.

    I'd say chunk off the ole' cheese, there, my friend.

    I read your other post already this morning. It was a fine thing, coffee and you know, the p word, first thing in the morning. (I won't say the male organ word, since I know who reads your blog. Ahem, Mom.)

  18. You need to nip all this creativity and questioning ... in the bud. Nip it! Nip it! * These kids might grow up to be free-thinking funny men.

    * Nip it" is courtesy of Barney Fife.

  19. Stopping by from Mommy of a monster. REally...where did he get the idea for himself?

    THose letters are so cute btw :)

  20. Like father, Like son! hahahaha.

  21. That second PS is unusually hilarious. He's a budding Robert Frost (or maybe a professional athlete or something else. Don't worry).

  22. First, thanks for hanging out at my place today! I love that story and I'm sure it won't be too long before Tater starts saying crazy things like that.

    Second, the letter? It ROCKS!

  23. What would he have done if you used reverse psychology? Yikes!

    Great letters from Cheeseboy Jr. He has a gift too!

  24. He's a real slice off the ole cheese block ain't he?

    Well done Jr!

  25. Cheesekid needs a blog - seriously. Love it!

  26. Hide all sharp objects!!!
    Love the Dear Deer...

  27. The snake is called Deer? Brilliant.

  28. Watch out....he just may be taking over your spot here soon.

  29. He sounds just like you! Imagine what he will be like in 20 years...lucky you!

  30. Forgot to mention, I read your Monster Daddy Moment and I cracked up! Is there ever a dull moment in your household? I doubt it.

  31. Hmmm...he sure does sound like someone I know.

  32. I love the Little Cheeseboy features! He should be a regular. I am on my way to check out your stuff at Natalie's place!


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