Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday Graph: Important Qualities of a Mother (According to Reality TV)


  1. Also, according to Teen Mom, you should beat your Baby Daddy, and start dating again, 2 months after your baby is born and you split from the dad.

  2. Dang I'm doing it all wrong. Oh, but wait ... Does having a hair blog rank up there with beauty pageants? Cuz if it does, then I'm the best mom ever! LOL

  3. How about trades places with her complete opposite and lets a total stranger raise her kids for a week.

  4. That's a really Good mother - throw in some public drunkedness and hoarding and you could be Great!

  5. I agree with Kristina's comment.
    And can I just say: I knew I was on to something when I stayed glued to the Toddler's in Tiaras marathon for 7 straight hours.

  6. I do think the octuplet thing should get a bit more percentage...otherwise...I'm right there with ya! And the Teen Mom comments...again (Kristina P and I seem to be in agreement a lot lately)...don't forget the whole beat up Baby Daddy thing!

  7. I guess Mrs. Brady is no longer a suitable role model...wait she had Alice. Never mind.

  8. I would make a Great Reality TV Mom! LOL

  9. Guess I am the next one to agree with Kristina's comment.

  10. Beauty pageants for little girls would be awesome IF they were dressed as children, instead of tiny women. The whole thing makes me sick.

  11. That is so funny! One of my daughters made me watch a little of that show. Oh man, I wanted to just shake those mothers!!!

  12. I think it all begins with going through an entire pregnancy oblivious to the fact you are indeed pregnant, continue to drink, dope up and sleep around and then act shocked when you go into labor, claim it must be constipation and then suddenly have a healthy baby.

  13. Oh snap. I'm in trouble then. And (according to reality tv) the worst mother in the world goes

  14. I'm just impressed with your ability to create that graph. Bravo!

  15. True, plus performing on Dancing with the Stars.

  16. you make me laugh ...thanks, I needed that!

  17. Why wait 'til your daughter is 4?

  18. Hello, my name is Kristen and I am a Crap Mom and there is nothing you can do to convince me to be otherwise! ;0

  19. Wait. You forgot get yourself a kicky mullet, start shooting out kids by the second and give them all J names as kicky as your mullet. The next ones will be named JamOnIt and Jamabamalama.

  20. How on earth did my daughters turn out even remotely normal?? hehehe

  21. such.a.failure!!!
    I had boys, but I bet I could of gotten them to join in in 14 year old pageants, as judges.

  22. don't forget the moms that leave their families to survive in the wild, or learn to cook, or something!

  23. Crap! My kid is 4 and I haven't entered her in ANY pageants! I knew she was to well adjusted. I'm getting my wedding dress sized to fit her as soon as I log off. It's a start.

    She's never going to have her own reality show now *sob*

  24. Funny! (Except I LIKE Sarah Palin. Why do all of the Dems hate her so much??? I don't get it. You'll have to explain that one to me.)

  25. Oh those kid beauty pagent shows just make me mad. I must admit I got suckered into watching an episode about one and the director totally took off with everyone's money and never awarded the winners.

  26. Wow, and this is the reason why my mom never became a mother...

  27. This sorta makes me want to cry, especially when we KNOW as teachers how tame some of these are.

  28. So will your daughter be entering in the world o' pageants soon? you have a daughter? If not, then you need to get one so your wife can be Mother of the Year for dressing her up (hair, makeup and fake teeth included).

  29. I am delighted to be non-real.

    If that's Reality, then I want to be as imaginary as I can possibly be.

    Wait: you CAN read this, right? I'm not just making this up!!!

  30. Because putting actual "reality" on TV would be boring. :)

  31. My day is ruined. Staying at home and spending time with them doesn't even appear on the graph? *pounds fists on table*

  32. I tried to become governor and fight bears w/ my bear hands but it didn't work out so well for me. Darn that Palin!

  33. According to the graph, I suck at being a mother.
    I guess I will have to stick with making my kids be responsible, clean up after themselves, work and be honest. Graph be damned!

  34. I totally failed(according to reality TV)....especially because I did not give a birth to a girl I can exploit through beauty pageants..

  35. According to reality TV, I suck at being a mom...I make my kid read...oh the shame ;0)

    This graph is funny but so true!

  36. This should go under a "Sad but True" title.

    Boy do I have an opinion on tot pagents!>>>>>>>kt

  37. Oh man! One of my daughters "forced" me to watch an episode of the pageant show. I don't know who needs the biggest beating, the parents or some of the brats...

  38. I totally suck as a Mom.

    Where is that entry form for that next toddler pagent???


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