Tuesday, December 7, 2010

An Interview with the Wife of Cheeseboy (If she would actually do an interview with me.)

The following is an interview with my wife.  Not a real interview - of course, she would never agree to an interview for this blog.  Rather, it is my interpretation of exactly how the interview would go if she were to agree to such a thing.  

In case you were wondering, this post is actually an attempt to get my wife to laugh out loud at a blog post, which is such a rare occasion that when it does happen, it kinda makes my day.  Anyway, off to the interview...

Cheeseboy: I am so happy that you agreed to do this.  Never in a million years would I think that you would agree to do this.

Beloved Wife: Yeah, well technically I didn't agree to this at all.  Technically, you are just making up every  thing I am saying right now.

Cheeseboy: Yes, well should we start with the questions then?

Beloved Wife: Sure.

CB: Okay, question number one - the question all my readers have been dying to know:  What's it like being married to such a funny and awesome guy?

BW: Ha ha. You're such a dork.

CB: That may be true.  But that wasn't the question.  The question was what's it like to be married to such a funny and handsome man?

BW: I don't know.  You're a dork.

CB: Alright, next question.  What is your favorite Cheeseboy post of all time?

BW:  I don't know.

CB: Come on. There has to be one that stands out.  Just one?

BW:  I don't know.  I really don't.

CB:  Nothing comes to mind?

BW: I don't know.

CB:  Alright, that wraps up the first (and likely only) ever interview with Cheeseboy's wife.  Thank you, beloved wife for your time.


  1. HAHAHA That's funny! I almost feel bad for you, ya dork heheheheeh

  2. Hmmm…it actually sounds pretty accurate. Are you sure you weren't actually interviewing her?

  3. She is clearly a very smart woman.

  4. hmmm... I seem to recall that she got QUITE a bit of enjoyment out of that arm-hair waxing post... that's probably her favorite.

  5. I was laughing from the start till the end. I'm sure she would be, too :)

  6. rofl!!
    WHAT? i'm shocked, she doesnt read your blog?
    It figures.
    Well we dorks have got to stick together...

  7. This is hilarious and brilliant! And I think we need to form a support group for ourselves: Bloggers who have Unsupportive Spouses Who Don't Even Read our Fricken Blogs How RUde!....too long? Well, we can work on the name.

  8. Ha! Just proves how well you know your wife!!!

  9. my husband doesn't read mine either. probably figures by now he's heard everything i've got to say, so why bother.
    btw, you're a dork.

  10. I think she's saving her favorite for when you dress up in a Barney suit...

  11. And did she laugh? I hope so. I can't imagine what it's like for her with all that male
    hamming-it-up energy in the house.
    But you are all so darn cute. xo

  12. Really, she doesn't find your blog funny?! How's that possible?

  13. This is why I'll never interview my wife either!

  14. You knew her answers, and yet you went ahead and posted about them. Oh well my hubby doesn't read my blog either....

  15. What? Your wife doesn't laugh uncontrollably every time she reads your blog?? Maybe you should take her to the doctor????

  16. She sounds perfect for you. Keeps you humble.

  17. That's awesome! That's about how an interview with my hubs would go, should he ever agree to one. LOL

  18. I cracked up at the title BEFORE I even read this post! I sure hope she gets a chuckle out of this one. I'm sure her life is amusing enough without having to read your blog.

    Great post!

  19. Your dorkiness is palpable here..

    Laughing...Honestly this was hilarious!!!

  20. kinda reminds me of that program, "She's just not that in to you."

  21. So did she concur with the answers to your questions? My hubby reads my blog faithfully; it's both a blessing and a curse!

  22. I agree with T, not quite sure how that arm-waxing post could have escaped her memory.

  23. Don't worry Dork, no one in my family has any opinions on my blog either. Although, they do look pretty alarmed when I start talking about my blog friends, like, "There she goes again. Talking about her imaginary friends."

    I also have no opinions when it comes to my husband, most of the time.

  24. Well, at least she's beautiful! Maybe you could black-mail her into reading your blog. Just a thought...

  25. That sounds a lot like an interview that will never happen with my husband. I'd be all "So, dearest treasure of mine, what is your favorite post that I have composed?" and he'd be all "You still blog? Jeez! Get a real life woman!" And then the interview would end with an interview with law enforcement agents because of a suddent domestic violence incident.

  26. *snicker* I ought to "interview" Mr. Tart. (he doesn't even know the NAME of my blog) *shifty*

  27. This is why I have a young aboriginal assistant and not a wife. That punk feeds me any smack and I can replace her before the next pay period. Wives seem all about how they destroy your will to live, then give you hope, then crush you all over again. I think I will get some grapes peeled for me now. 'Running Crow', get over here and bring the grapes!"

  28. I felt like I was right there, and I am almost positive you got the answers down pat!

  29. Being married to a dork is awesome...most of the time. Sometimes it gets well...a little dorky.

    (HAHA another weird button!! Me loves it!)

  30. Your wife is wise beyond her years. ;)

  31. LMAO! Fantastic interview..move over Barbara Walters!

  32. Lol! Poor cheeseboy, even in your pretend interviews you are called a dork :)

  33. So, did it work?

    I call my husband a dork all the time too. Just another way our families are so alike.

  34. Has she already seen this? If not, see if you can sweet talk the answers from her and then compare to see how well you did! Love it!

  35. She looks like a pretty classy lady
    even though she never really consented to an interview.

    Maybe If YOU were Barbara Walters....she'd have better answers.

  36. Wow, she almost really sounds kinda sincere! You sure are a lucky guy.

  37. Hahaha!! I am cracking up over that because that's EXACTLY what an interview would be like between my husband and me. I just went on and on about how Luby's was going to mail me a gift card and a cookbook b/c of my Cafteria lady post. He said he'd read THAT post, he guessed. He still hasn't read it. Oh, well.

  38. My husband doesn't really read my blog either...unless I make him...and then I may get a *snort* out of him. Our spouses are tough customers.

    Hey...you're getting there...soon 500 followers :0)

  39. That seems to be the case with most of us bloggers. Our spouses don't really read (or care much) about what we write. Oh well! They appreciate us in other ways. Nice "interview." It gives me an idea to try this w/my hubby sometime . . .

  40. well you do know when to wrap it up. good move

  41. I have to say your “wife” is pretty ambiguous when answering your questions.

  42. Can you see why Corey is never allowed on my blog? SAME.THING. Sheesh

  43. I asked my hubby to read a post 2x. Those are will be the first and last time I do that. He doesn't think m posts are funny, or sarcastic. He thinks I am being serious, which I rarely am in writing, but always am in life. This was a good one - Your son is a mini you in that picture so that was what made it even funnier... ;)

  44. Haha -- so very funny. She's there to keep you humble - that's my vote!

  45. She's right. You ARE a dork! But we still love ya!


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