Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday Graph: Things that may offend you on Facebook - by Cheeseboy


  1. facebook is like going through middle school all over again.

  2. So true! You haven't unfriended me have you?

  3. The worst is when someone unfriends you, that you wanted to unfriend first.

  4. Did you ever friend someone knowing that you were going to unfriend them soon?

    No. Not me either.

  5. I really am so not into facebook. I network my blog to increase traffic, and look at photos of family members, and that's about it.

  6. Oh dear, think I may have offended a few people lately then ... Ooopsie!!

  7. Where do naked pictures of Harry Potter fit?

  8. I think FB is pretty good, it just depends on what you do with it. What most people do with it sucks...Present company excluded!

    Love the graph!!!

  9. I agree. I unfriended one person who offended me too many times. I hope he was offended by my unfriending. xo

  10. Facebook is not real life. But it is fun to mess with people who think it is.

  11. I'm glad I had previous experience with Myspace (which is 10x more horrible) so I wouldn't freak out when I did Facebook. The first time one of my friends unfriended me on myspace I was in a fit for days...:D

  12. my cousin unfriended me. Isn't there some law against that? It's not my fault he's a pothead.
    Once again you scored big with your graphics!

  13. I don't know...dissing Oprah is way higher on the graph than that...

  14. Here's my question : do you get a notice to let you know if someone unfriends you? Cause I'll be honest...I unfriended someone.

  15. I love the Saturday graphs! This one is good!

  16. I actually installed a FB add-on that sorted my friend list better - it was nice, until it started letting me know who unfriended me. I uninstalled it and am a happier more ignorant person now :)

  17. unfollowing hurts me more than unfriending. Like an ice pick to the scrotum. Can I say scrotum on your blog? Cuz I just did twice.

  18. I'm horrible for friending people and then unfriending them a month later... just seems kinder than declining their friendships in the first place

  19. I can only imagine your school projects when you were in college.

  20. I found out quite by accident that someone had defriended me.
    I actually thought it was funny.

    (we weren't that close anyway)

  21. I'd say being unfollowed should be there as well.

  22. Facebook is a tool of the devil!!!

  23. And what's with the new app that allows you to see who 'unfriended' you?

    Talk about something just to cause problems...

  24. I hate to break it to you Abe, especially since we only just became FB friends, but I plan to display the raunchy pictures of Oprah that I took at my party last night that you weren't invited to and then I'm gonna unfriend you.

    Have a great day!

  25. I did tell my daughter she needed to supervise her husbands Halloween costume choices from now on.... OMG!! He was dressed as a sleazy women with a tight see through shirt and fake chest underneath it... and POSTED PIX on FB!!! GAH!!! "Teach them correct principles and they govern themselves"... or NOT!! ;p

    This was funny and SO TRUE!! ;D

  26. Did 'unfriend' ever exist prior to FB? Just what we need in life with all the other stresses, huh? ;)

  27. I don't "facebook" persay, but I DO find it HILARIOUS when someone gets "unfriended", lol !

  28. Trash talking Oprah... *snort* nice. You forgot poor grammar. I have a rule with my teen--swearing OR bad grammar. Not both.

  29. Yep, like high school, isn't it? That's what makes it so fun! At least (most) of us can see the irony!

  30. What the what. I'm with your first commenter, it's like school all over again!

  31. Wasn't it National Unfriend Day the other day? How snarky is that?

    Do you even KNOW when someone unfriends you?

  32. I wish someday you'd do a graph about the accuracy of your graphs. They are so right on!

  33. From one Cheese Lover to another - love this graph haha.

    -Lady Fromage

  34. Once upon a time, I would have been offended in oh so many ways by Facebook. But I had to get away from it (for sometime) and will not let some site decide how many "friends" would want to have me and obsess about something that's not even worth it.

    Don't get me wrong I still love Facebook. But I realized as much as I love my online life, offline life is awesomer! :)

  35. I was unfriended by someone who I haven't seen in 20 years,and who lives 5000 miles away from me. What could I possibly have done to get that sort of reaction?
    Talk about a jab to self esteem-- was it my breath?

  36. Scrolling throuhg the comments and still laughing over Powdered Toast.
    Scrotum. Yeah, I'm laughing.

    I still haven't been forgiven for unfriending actual family. FAMILY I tell ya. They were pissing me off....

  37. LOL Their loss! ;) Enjoy your Thanksgiving day with your family and be blessed!

  38. When I first got on facebook I was offended when someone removed me...but lately (with the urging of Jimmy Kimmel) I cleaned up my friends list...and then noticed some of my "friends" did a little cleaning of their own...but I'm not too bummed :o)


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