Monday, September 27, 2010

This week in Cheeseboy Facebook status updates.

I give a lot of thought to my facebook status updates.  Here is a rundown of the past couple weeks:

Today at 8:32 PM: A first grader came up to me at recess today and said, "Someone wrote 'Flick you benches!' with a marker on the slide." I told her thank you and I was grateful she couldn't read well yet.

Friday at 4:57 PM: With the new facebook movie coming out today, I have to think that they will at least make mention of my epic status updates in the sequel.

September 22 at 5:22 PM: Two separate headlines on today about KFC:
1. KFC tries to revive founder's prestige 
2. KFC pays college women for ad space on buns

September 21 at 3:37 PM: Glee starts it's second season tonight. I wonder if this will be the episode that the teacher realizes his students are the same age as him?

September 15 at 4:58 PM: If I could marry any famous woman it would be Jamie Lee Curtis because she writes childrens books, is rich and free yogurt.

September 16 at 8:26 PM: My 8-year-old son had much more fun at The Lion King with mom than the Utah game with dad. I think the main problem is that football games do not have enough dancing fuzzballs singing corny Elton John songs.

September 17 at 6:40 PM: Lincoln was chosen to sing a solo in his school choir. Thinking of giving him a mohawk and renaming him Puck.

And for those of you that might be interested watching my son's solo, here he is in his debut at the local Barnes and Noble.  Barnes and Noble is actually kinda like the Hard Rock Cafe of the literary third grade world.  Unless you are an immediate family member of the Cheese, don't feel obligated to watch, unless you want to; in which case, he is the adorable kid in the middle that can't figure out what to do with the paper in his hand. (He sings verse 2)


  1. That darn slippery paper! And what a cute Lincoln you have. It's always cool to see someone who has the same name sense as us.

  2. Jamie Lee does have some impeccable bowels.

  3. What a gleek! (And I mean that in the nicest possible way.) And who's the little attention-seeker dressed all in black next to him? Rachel perhaps?

  4. Very adorable. Oh that paper! So funny to see all the places it went! I thought I would see your 'being patriotic' status here. I liked that one.

  5. So cute. I love kids.

    thanks for sharing.

    Carol-the gardener

  6. Ok, so that was simply adorable! And ya gotta love Lincolns hand motions when he's doing the water. He's more like stirring it up.

    And how about the kid in the red shirt off to the right. I think there's a little bit of concert envy going on.

    Great solo Lincoln, you Rock!!

  7. What goes thru Lincoln’s head when he drops the paper the first time: "Should I pick up the paper or not? Will I remember the words? Ok, if I pick it up and do a little hop right after, it might look like part of the act."

    Very cute.

  8. love the updates - and the paper flinging soloist! Next stop Carnegie Hall!

  9. Are you constipated? Is that why Jamie Lee Curtis and free Activia yogurt are so appealing?

    Thank you for sticking by me these last couple of weeks.

  10. cool name for your boy!
    and way to go on the singing.
    i loved how he could go high and low at all the right places, and stuff.
    i think the whole football thing is an acquired taste, whereas- the lion king, well the lion king speaks to the soul about life and that whole remembering who you are, kind of thing.

    on another note....i have so many questions for you that i know will never get answered.

  11. Awww!! So sweet! Loved it. I, of course, loved your FB status updates, especially "flenk you benches". Was that it? Need to go back to read it. In any case, I might have to say that when I get really, really mad. I'll feel better for not saying the "real thing". Thanks for giving me an alternative!

  12. Hahahaha!! My brain is inCREDIBLy small! Ha! It was "flick you benches", not "flenk". I'm such a moron! I don't deserve to live! I should just get into the Witness Protection Program somehow and start my life over. I should...go.

  13. Here's one of my statuses from this week..

    ...just found some expired panadol in the back of the cupboard. Good thing I read the label before taking some, otherwise that could have started a vicious cycle.
    "I don't feel so good. Better have a panadol. Now I feel worse, few more panadol should do the trick. Oh crap! Now I'm dead."

    Two people liked that. Sometimes it takes writing a status like that to let you know who your friends are and who secretly wants you dead.

  14. The things I miss because I'm not on Facebook...

  15. at least you have updates on your fb page ;o)

  16. What exactly did they expect him to do with that paper with all those hand actions to the sign. Someone wasn't planning too well!

  17. Great, now I'm going to be singing that song all day!!! lol Very cute!!

  18. Love your Facebook stats!

    Your son did a great job singing! That takes guts!

  19. He's the best singer of the three! And cute, too. Get ready dad....he's going to be a rock star!

  20. That was funny! Watching your son try to figure out what to do with his paper was priceless. - G
    PS. I don't get the reference to yougurt. Does JLC eat a lot of it?

  21. LOL. So right. He can't figure out what do with the dang paper....So cute though!
    It looks like you have a rockstar on your hands though!
    A real cutie patootie...Just you wait when the girls start calling him...
    My daughter is 11. Ai yi yi.

  22. So cute!!! I definitely think you should give him a mohawk...or at least a faux-hawk. We attempted a high & tight with Cooper, but he was too wiggly...there's always next year :o)

  23. Cheese, that boy has your DNA, for sure! He and that cutie pie next to him need to think about becoming a singing duo and get themselves on over to Disney right quick. Cute little rockers in the making.

    And when is that Glee teacher going to realize he's too hot for teaching and head on out to Hollywood to become a major TV star.

    Er, no offense, Cheese.

  24. Sooo cute!! And the girl next to him as well.

  25. You definitely deserve a spot in Facebook: The Movie: The Sequel.

    And your son is too cute!

  26. Ha!! I laughed out loud at this one, "Glee starts it's second season tonight. I wonder if this will be the episode that the teacher realizes his students are the same age as him?"

  27. He's a good singer! Very cute. And very funny status updates, though I am bummed you posted this now and didn't wait until next month to link up with the Status Quote.

  28. nice video clip -
    so did you sign some books at B&N?
    It would be fun to go into one and grab a big pile of some book and offer to sign them.
    Some people probably would not care who the signer is as long as they have a signed copy.

  29. Flick you Benches is so flicking funny!

  30. Next time you're tempted to curse on your blog, just ask a kid to give you suitable alternatives! "Flick you benches" is a good example.

  31. Next time you're tempted to curse on your blog, just ask a kid to give you suitable alternatives! "Flick you benches" is a good example.

  32. Wow. Now I want to marry Jamie Lee Curtis.

  33. LOVE your ..fB statuses.... the flicking benches was the best!!! LOL! and Licoln is awesome!!!!!

  34. Verse two was definitely THE BEST verse! And I'm not just saying that cause your FB statuses rock!! :)

  35. I made my Christmas letter last year a collection of the year's best status updates. But with Jamie Lee alone, you've got me beat.

  36. I think the one about the bench might be my favorite....although the Jamie Lee Curtis one is trying to knock it out of first place.

  37. Can you blame him? How do they expect them to do the actions with a paper in his hand? I think he did an amazing job. I'm trying to decide if he gets his talent from you or your wife.

    I think "flick you benches" is what I shoulda told that person who called me a racist mormon.

  38. I hate FaceBook!
    Love the Lincoln!

  39. I look forward to every update. Whenever I laugh really hard my husband says, "What did Cheeseboy say now??"

  40. Well, he is just practicing for his role in a future showing of Lion King.
    It will be flicking awesome.

    whats up with facebook anyway, where some people show they have like a gazzilion "friends"

  41. He IS adorable, especially when he sings about the des-art. Very cute. Are they going on tour? I'd pay for a seat at any Barnes & Noble.

  42. There is NOTHING Unicycle Rose loves more than the children singing patriotic songs... beautiful!

  43. I love your status update message for today...yes, thank goodness she can't read well yet :0)

  44. Sweet. I am afraid my FB status updates are rather lame in comparison.

  45. My favorite was the little girl who couldn't read so well yet. Ah, the innocence of youth! ;o)

  46. I love that he's not sure what to do with that paper. So cute. And he's definitely got a shot at the next AI.

    p.s. Love your fb status' or would that be stati?

  47. Not just yogurt but COLON CLEANSING yogurt! W.C.C.

  48. My facebook statuses have been a little on the mushy side lately.. a budding new romance

  49. He was the best in his row.

    I think this was a heck of a lot more I heard of him than at Tib's BBQ.

    I guess it's all about fame.

  50. Fess up, you hired this child just to impress us, didn't you?

    I love that cartoon, but it also tickles my guilt button, too (blush)..

  51. Jamie Lee Curtis also has an awesome RACK.

    Just sayin'.

  52. that girl next to your son was checking him out. You better have the sex talk with him soon.

  53. Well, your son did that with the paper so you could point him out to us easier. Smart little tot! He was great.

    And, I'm still laughing about the Glee Facebook post.

  54. I'm a bit late to the party but I loooooved this post. I know you don't do features, but make it a feature!

    Pretty please.

  55. That was cute. Thank you for sharing. I love watching little ones in action. Guess that why I have a daycare.
    Take care Mr Cheese. :o) Thanks for stopping by. Have a great and blessed weekend.

  56. That little cheeseboy has a great voice on him! He does fabulous on his solo!

  57. Ok, how darling is he!?!?!?! And that little voice.....too cute!


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