Friday, September 24, 2010

This is how big of a moron I am.

Actual thoughts I've had in the past 3 months.

- I think that I can actually make money on my blog now by using Google ads!

- I don't know if I have enough readers.  Maybe?  But it's free, so I am going to try it.

[2 weeks pass]

- It says here I have made 16 cents. That's it?!  I guess I won't be quitting my day job any time soon.  This is bogus.

[2 weeks pass]

- I wonder what would happen if I clicked on my own ads? I mean, they want people to visit the ads, right?  What do they care if it is me or some other knucklehead?  Visitors is visitors, right?

[2 weeks pass]

- $38?! This is incredible!  I have to start telling my wife to start clicking on the ads every time she visits too.  Now I really WILL be able to give up my day job soon.

[2 weeks pass] 

- $72?!  I'll be getting my first check soon.  I'm buying a new iPod.  No, a new back scratcher.  No, a new iPod, back scratcher combo: WITH a separate remote control.

- I am doubling my efforts - clicking twice as often.  I mean, the companies that pay for advertising like a lot of hits.  The more times I visit their site, the better chances I will eventually end up BUYING something!  They'll love me for this.

- I am a blog marketing genus.

[2 weeks pass]

- This email from Google is ridiculous!  What do they mean I "signed the agreement"?!  No one reads those stupid things.  Sure I clicked agree, but I thought I was simply agreeing to collecting money - boatloads and boatloads of money.

[2 weeks later - talking to a friend]

Friend: You thought you could get paid to click on your own ads?

Me: Yeah, so?

Friend: You're a moron.

Me: Yeah, I know. But I'm blogging this, so I win.

Friend: So, you'd rather have fodder over cash?

Me: I guess I don't have a choice now, do I?


  1. First! Cause it's cool and stuff!

  2. I'm totally cracking up over here!!! LOVE IT!!!! You really do make me laugh!

  3. That is hilarious! I have to say that I have actually had the same thoughts.
    I think it is human nature.
    You should have had your kids click on your blog - Yeah that's the ticket!

  4. See, you should have clicked on it at work, on your school computer. Then they wouldn't have known it was you. But if your school system is like mine, they could/would fire you for 'making money while using the school property' so maybe next time go to the public library and use their computers. Of course you might have to come up with an alias, but that could be fun in it's own rights.

  5. The only one who makes money doing this is Dooce.

    Is she still called that anyway? I haven't been by there in ages. Bo-ring.

  6. That is hysterical! I was wondering the same thing about those ads...if anyone ever made any money off them. Not so much, that is so funny!

  7. Blog fodder over cash is awesome any day of the week.

    Maybe by the time you retire you'll be able to take the Mrs out for some Geritol or something on all the money you are making.

  8. Alright, I'll do it. I love to help out my fellow bloggers so I agree from now on to click on a Google ad on every blogger buddy blog I visit if they have the ads on their site. Didn't realize you get paid per click without having to purchase something :)

  9. Google ads are kinda crappy. I made, like, a dollah. Which I never even got - because I took down the ads because they were dumb. Shouldn't I still get the money I earned? Ugh.

  10. What if you are blogging from a community computer? That is dumb. Call a lawyer! LOL

  11. You're a comic wit and a entrepreneurial genius! Who'd a' thunk it, eh? :D

  12. Damn! You mean like Big Brotha was watching you? That's SO not worth it! But great blog fodder!

  13. You should have written your friends name as "Moron" instead of friend.

    He might have called you a moron to your face, but you would have exposed him as a moron to the interweb.. so you know ,you win and stuff.

  14. That just answered all the questions I have ever had about Google Ads.

    What you need is an ad partner. You click theirs and they click yours. Your wife might get jealous though. Check with her first ;0)

  15. Dang it, guess I won't be doing ads anytime soon. Shoot.

  16. I considered doing that at one time. Glad you did, though, and wrote about it for us!


  17. I feel your pain when it comes to Adsense. I've had their ads on my blogs for a couple years and finally hit the $100 mark where they say they will send you a check. Maybe I should wait to get my check before I say anything negative about it, but when I do the math, it comes out to about 4 or 5 cents an hour. Yipee!

  18. I truly wonder if anyone makes any money with Google Ads.

    I wish I could get paid in tacos.

  19. I clicked on the Ebates ad for you. You're welcome. Don't spend your half a cent all at one place.

  20. If I had the time, I'd click the ads repeatedly for you!

  21. Man - for one moment I thought "Hey, I could make some money just like my Cheese-Blog friend."


    Does this make me a moron?lol

  22. What? You are making $$$$?
    but oops...not anymore?
    Shucks. I almost put google ads on my site....

  23. Now you've made me laugh twice in a week!

  24. Hey it was worth a shot right? I think so.

  25. You totally captured my faux elation the first 3 months of blogging. BTW...I made you blog of the day today/tomorrow.

  26. Yeah at a $1 per month of revenue it takes 8 years to get your first $100 Ad Sense check!! Whooo Hooo. W.C.C.

  27. Unless you hadn't explained it, I might have fallen into the same trap.

    Except that I am such a moron, I wouldn't know how to even get google ads ON my blog.

  28. The only people who make money off google ads are the make-believe people in the google ads telling you that you can make money off them!

  29. Hilarious! I added that at one point too ... then realized I could never make any money if I couldn't click on my own ads! :-)

  30. You are so funny. I thought that was ingenious on your part. Sorry you didn't get away with it. Maybe you should've agreed to the terms with multiple clicks, just for kicks.
    PS I tend to wonder how many of my stat page views are my own.

  31. And this is why we love you, Cheeseboy.

  32. haha. love it...congrats on teh goddess award...

  33. yup, goddess award material! come over and collect it anytime!

    nice new pledge btw.

  34. This happened to a friend of mine and they sent him the same email. Dagnabit!

  35. Yeah but they only track one ISP right? It's simple just use your work account and click from everyone's desktop. No?

  36. I wonder how many people have actually tried this and really don't want to admit it. Do you have a Plan B now that the Google ad thing doesn't work?

  37. Haha too funny.
    You should've made a deal with someone else. You click my ads, I click yours, everybody wins ;)

  38. Usually I don't even notice if people have ads on their blogs, because I read most blogs in my Reader, then just click over to comment. Sorry I didn't help in your quest to become a millionaire. But really, what would you have done with all that money anyway?

  39. I'm not surprised you got an e-mail from them. They are totally anal about that. But you're not a moron for thinking like that! I know a site that was telling readers to click & Google took back the hundred of dollars they'd earned because of that. Sadly, it is in the "small print." But I bet you make a bunch of $ off this post, eh?! It's true though, Google ads are not the fastest way to earn $ off your blog. You need to start making outrageous videos more and see if YouTube will give you $ for those like they do for my cheesy hair tut's. That's actually where I've seen my Google $ coming in faster than from people clicking my ads on my blog. Good luck man!

  40. I wonder what Google pays for blogging about their adds....Who knows, there still might be a big fat check waiting for you yet!

  41. Totally it makes for GREAT blog fodder.

    I wish I had done that.

  42. Thank goodness I know now that I can't do this. I was thinking about it.

  43. so what did Google do with you in the end??? :)

  44. I feel like you left us hanging here. What happened to your boat loads of money?

    I am so ignorant when it comes to this stuff that I actually thought that adsense approached the popular blogs and asked them to advertise. That was like 6 months ago though. I am way more blog savvy now!


  45. I used all the computers in the college library to win a photo contest on MSN about 3 yrs ago. I won two digital photo frames, and a canon powershot :o)

  46. So . . . . . how much money did you really end up getting?

  47. I heard of a bunch of bloggers who agreed to click on each other's ads, but right before it was time for them to get their checks blogger pulled the plug on them.

    But yes does make a good post.

  48. First time visitor by way of Jenn's blog. I was expecting a food blog but what I found was hilarious. Fun blog.

  49. These moronic ideas makes us feel good. They are our comfort thoughts. So just let it made ma laugh, though

  50. Well, you certainly have ALOT of followers, so perhaps now after this post, your readers will be kind enough to click on the adds and boost your income!

  51. I guess I am a moron too, because I would totally do that. hahaha.

  52. You are not the only moron to click on their own ads.

  53. Great stuff- love your blog. We both got the Goddess award this week through stupidity it sounds like! Thanks for the laugh man

  54. As I'm reading about your clicking, I'm yelling at my laptop, "No! Whatever you do, don't click, Cheeseboy!"

    I don't dabble in the ads, but I hear it's a rip. Good luck. I'll click for you.

  55. Bummer.

    I guess you could always use your school computers and have all the kids click on your ads for you...

  56. I think you are the first person to think of clicking on their own ads. You could of revolutionized the business.

  57. How can I express how hard I'm laughing at this post?

    You need to repost this once a year, it's destined to be a classic.

  58. are too funny for words!

  59. heh heh heh..... nice try Mr. Wise Guy. You wuz caught red handed. LOL



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