Thursday, September 9, 2010

Learning about gravity and tornadoes in first grade.

While walking in from a fire drill, a young first grade girl tumbled across the grass in front of me. She stood up, brushed herself off, looked up at me and in her first grade lisp said:

"Never pick a fight with gwavity.  Gwavity always wins."
While talking about the recess rules with the entire first grade, this same girl raises her hand.

"Would you like us to make the recess teacher aware if we see an oncoming tornado?"

(We do not generally have tornadoes in Utah.)

"Yes, I think we would like to be made aware of that."

"Are you going to tell us that we should head to the lowest point available?"

"Yes, the lowest point available."


  1. That is pwecious. I weally like her!

  2. Oh man, that little girl is so cute!

  3. I gwew up in Nebrwska...twornadoes are nwothin' to lwaugh about!!!!! :)

  4. Little minds work so hard. Does she know about The Cone of Silence? Maybe that's something that needs to be addressed too.

  5. LOL. And what point would that be in UT? LOL.
    U crack me up.
    And I love the lisp...:)

    Bet she is cute as well...

  6. Dude that girl is a genius--gravity DOES always win!!

  7. Oh she's funny! She's like a female and younger Joey.

  8. Just good friend is a first grade teacher too. Her class is composed of 18 children, she has no teacher's aide except for 2 hours per week. Nine of her students tested below reading level. Just wondering how that compares to your world? She is so stressed out. Love your sense of humor!

    Carol-the gardener

  9. Cheeseboy I think it is obvious that your readership extends to a lot younger demographic than you had originally thought! W.C.C.

  10. You should have said to tell the recess teacher about tornadoes but tell the principal about cyclones.

    See if that raises any further questions.

  11. aww isn't she the cutest? :)

    ~ash's mum

  12. I had no idea that first graders were that deep!

  13. I can't help but wonder what she would do here where we not only pratice fire drills, but tornado, earthquake, and lock-down drills. But no spotters are needed for any of them. Instead there is a warning tone for each one. Maybe she could help me remember which tone is which?

  14. We don't normally have tornadoes in PA either, but one year we had one rip through a nearby development and it destroyed (condemned) several houses. One being my mom's house!! Go figure. Since then, my girl's have a fear of tornadoes.

    I bet you have conversations like this one on a daily basis. Kids can say the darndest, cutest things. Thanks for sharing!

  15. i love getting a peek at your cute little students!

  16. That's funny. You should give her your pay for the day.

  17. She is absolutely correct about tornado procedure. We lived in Iowa for 5 years.

  18. For a minute there, I thought you were going to tell us that tornado pic was one you took...and then I would have been extremely jealous, because I really want to see one!!!! (Heading AWAY from me, of course....I don't intend to pick a fight with a tornado... cuz that would SUCK.)

  19. You're going to need to start paying royalties to these first graders for all the material they give you :)

  20. So cute! I wonder if she watches the science channel.

  21. She's a little smarty pants isn't she. I love her!

  22. THAT little girl is paying attention.

    There's hope for us yet!


  23. The places her brain goes...amazing.

  24. What a fun year you are going to have! And so will we since we are all living vicariously through you in the world of a 1st Grade teacher. Very funny stuff! Thanks so much for sharing it. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Candace

  25. I'm wondering if this is what the little girl's mom says when she trips at home?:)This would make a great into for a lesson plan on gravity-or tornadoes. Kids are way smarter these days...I don't think I ever talked about these subjects till maybe 6th grade!

  26. I think you must have the best job ever!
    That girl is gonna be a brain surgeon someday.

  27. I adore her!!! (though suspect she may begin to make you crazy by about October, then 10 years from now, she will be your favorite student you ever had): That was it. The Tart has prophecied.

  28. Awww, how cute!!! Hehehe :)

    In other news, my younger son burst out with "Clearly, we are lunatics," the other night.

    No, I have no clue what brought it on.

    Yes, I am grateful for my kids because they provide me with a wealth of blogging material :)

  29. that's a girl who watches the discovery channel. kudos to her parents.

  30. That's so cute. Someone must have been discussing tornadoes in her presence.

  31. Newton would be proud, I am sure :D

  32. She's hilarious and quite knowledgeable.

  33. wait - my daughter's not AT your school... this is one of those things that we're never surprised to have teachers tell us about. apparently somebody raised this girl right too :)

  34. That is why I love kids event though I don't have one. Thanks god for nieces and a nephew :)

  35. i want her to give me stock tips, i bet she knows some good ones.

    getting the wax ready?

  36. Out of the mouths of babes! Yes, it's cliche, but it's da truth!


  37. Now how did you manage to keep a straight face? I just love her!!!

    My daughter is now in Grade 1 - I just love their honesty.

  38. Hellow...I weally think that little girl is going to grow up to be a science teacher. After all, she knows a lot about gwavity!
    Cute post! Loved it!

  39. She is going to be something when she grows up, that's for sure. Hope she loses the speech impediment, though.

  40. I think she is officially my new favorite kid that I don't know.

  41. Kids are awesome! They say and do some of the best things.

  42. She's wise for her age.

    Yes, gravity ALWAYS wins. ugh!


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