Thursday, July 15, 2010

I'd love to go to these concerts!


  1. I'll be the first in line!!!

  2. For free, I go too! Well I might pay the dollar to see the one :o/

  3. Oh, I would stand in line for each and every one of these concerts. Fabulous, Cheeseboy!

    I cannot wait for the Play Place video. Be careful, my friend's kids got lice in the ball pit at her local Mickey D's. And that, my friend, would be a much bigger problem than B.O.

  4. Definitely want a ticket to the only Mel Gibson movie I might be interested in seeing!

  5. cheeseboy in a urine tube--
    what's more fun than that?

  6. Those are great! Although you can go watch oil gush for free at CNN's site. It's been their top video story for months. Sad.
    Waiting for you in the tubes, man!

  7. Man I hate Mel Gibson. I hope he vanishes and nobody gives him any way. I must say I've been craving McDonald's for weeks now, don't tell anyone I said that though :(

  8. Can we throw the urine tube at Mel?

  9. Oh, for the talents of a graphic designer..! Priceless (grinning wide).

  10. Every time you call it a Urine tube I laugh uncontrollably. Love it!

  11. Gosh, I'd even pay a scalper's price for some of those tickets!

  12. It is like my wildest dreams have come true.

    I will take a pair for each!

  13. Did you know I'm standing in line for these tickets while commenting on your post!

    I have my hotdog in one hand and my laptop in the other!!

    Let the shows begin!

  14. I'm loving these concerts. How did that Beiber twerp become such a hit? My teen hates him, my 9 year-old twins hate him, I don't get it. Baby faces are cute...on babies. If you still have one after the age of 9, scruff your face with sandpaper, it's just annoying. Sorry, went off on a tangent.

    Can't wait for the McD's video.

  15. I'd buy a ticket to any of those concerts!

  16. I'll take two tickets to the Lindsay Lohan show!

  17. cheese boy productions is taking off with great talent.
    Now I want to know if I can buy the tickets online without any stupid fees.

  18. I am now plotting ways I can get backstage. It probably wont be as easy as it was back in the day. Gives pep talk to the 'twins' and digs my VS boost bra out of my drawer.

  19. Gotta say, all of them sound like good times can be had, but the urine tube has to be on the top of my list! Urine tube... that's just wrong and funny all at the same time!!

  20. You should've added one for Paige Davis, but I'll forgive you since the rest are so good!

  21. Ooo I would totally love to go to those concerts!

  22. Very clever - tickets look so good I want to collect them! Enjoy the tubes but make sure to lube up first for those tight corners! W.C.C.

  23. You should totally make concert t-shirts using these ticket ideas and sell them. I'm sure you'd make tons of money!!! Very smart and very awesome! :-)

  24. I'll be at the Beiber one for sure.

  25. I am wiping tears off of my face!! LOVE the concert tickets idea!!!! I'm there for the Lohan and Bieber concerts!!!! ;o)

  26. I'd go see these - maybe stand in line for the first one!

  27. I went to Monkeys Flinging Poop on Kanye West last year. It was great, but not something i need to see again. Same crap, different face, you know?

  28. LOL! I want one to the Lindsay Lohan concert please.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Sorry, I totally spelled a something wrong in the earlier post... Anyway, I don't think Spencer can get you into any of these concerts for free on the guest list. Personally, I just want to see Lindsay go to jail.

  31. Still dry heaving over the urine tube, but I will watch it like a train wreck - you are a brave one Cheeseboy! Brave indeed

  32. Can I throw Justin Bieber at Mel Gibson's face?

  33. I say put them all in a non-airconditioned room together, a few bottles of tequila, add Spencer Pratt and Kanye, and let 'em rip.

    I'll bring the popcorn.

    Happy Weekend!

  34. OMG! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN CHEESE (colby to be exact)!! I would like some of those tickets and this Hook a Sistah up!!

  35. Oh. I just hate having poop thrown at me.

  36. Someone needs to dress up as Dora for the Monkey Shit throwing concert. That chic has been walking the line with Boots for far too long without being pelted. A monkey can't resist for THAT long it's just not normal animal behavior!!

    It's so cool McDonalds is sponsoring an event for you!!!

  37. how much did you pay for that McDonald's add :)

  38. Can you score me one to the Mel Gibson one?

  39. What the heck is a urine tube?! These are great Cheeseboy!


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