Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Great Blog O' Cheese Reboot of 2011

The Blog O' Cheese is currently in the process of getting a facelift/reboot, depending on what your sex is.  Things have become a little stale and tedious in the blog world and it is time to change things up a bit.

I've always said that if you are not looking to improve and get better then you are just kinda standing around and staying the same.  I am not sure those are the exact words I always use, but it is some B.S. like that.  Maybe I throw some other inspirational words in there to evoke a few tears from the crowd.

Anyway, look for the Blog O' Cheese to return with a new look and a new feel and most importantly, NEW POSTS on September 5!  I know you can't wait and I know this because you are reading these words now.


  1. Looking forward to the reboot! You have been missed.

  2. Go, Cheese! I sure hope your new colors are pink and brown, because I LOVE those two colors together. Maybe you could add some cute little cupcake art or something sweet like that. I know, whatever it is, you'll do something ultra chic. Can't wait.

  3. I just assumed that you were dead...

    but then I saw that you were still updating on Facebook.

    Then I figured that your kids had probably hacked into your account.

    I guess you're not dead though.

    I guess I don't get your stuff after all just yet then, do I.


  4. I was afraid you had been kidnappeded. Glad to know that isn't the case. But if you get kidnappeded and your wife and kids don't pay the ransom, can Teachinfourth and I split your stuff?

  5. Can hardly wait for the new and improved cheese! Let's hoping it will be extra cheesy!

  6. I hope you don't change too much - I love your blog just the way it is! (but if it just means you get to take a rest and get the school year off to a good start, then I'm all for it.)

  7. Just don't go all botox on us, Cheeseboy.

  8. Wow, you take almost as long to reboot as my old computer.

  9. Excited to see the final product

  10. You're right. I can't wait but I guess I will.

  11. Is this what they mean by false suspense? jk

  12. Man! Between that and Palin's early September will-she-or-won't-she decision to run for President, I don't know what I'm supposed to do for the next two weeks!

  13. Standing by to see the new and improved Cheeseboy!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Your inspiring words have brought the tears. The tears and the gnashing of the teeth.

  16. The countdown to 9/5 begins..... I don't know how how I am going to make it

  17. All this time I've been crying myself to sleep thinking the end had come due to your absence.... What misery and whoa I have endured. Elated to hear that the end has been postponed. Hooray!

  18. Abe, I could use some tips on re-booting, my blog is blah, not much on graphics. After I see the new BOC I may ask you for some tips. If I don't, it doesn't mean that the re-boot sucks, it just means that I'm busy re-arranging my sock drawer. That can take some time... Looking forward to the new look. The words are always funny no matter how the graphics appear....

  19. I am itching for a redesign myself- one of these days

  20. I have already made a paper chain and am counting down the days.

  21. That's a very long time from now. Dyin to see what you come up with.

  22. Can you put in a drinking fountain and jungle gym? I think that's what your blog is missing.

  23. OMG the excitement is pouring out of me! No wait... I'm going to go to the bathroom. See you sept 5!

  24. Woohoo, so excited to see the new face lift!

  25. Can't wait to see the new "look" and more cheesy posts!

  26. Can't wait!

    How will you ever outdo yourself though?

  27. Personally, I don't see how you can improve on perfection, but go for it! It's a well-known fact that cheese gets better as it ages, so I guess that's true of cheese blogs, too. See you soon!

  28. I think the stale blog land has a lot to do with the season and everyone going in every direction out of the ordinary. At any rate, I look forward to your BIG COMEBACK! ;D

  29. I can't wait to see the new look!

  30. It's good to change thigs every once in a while. Can't wait to see your new digs.

  31. I was just thinking that the drapes and carpet were looking a bit shabby! Looking forward to the remo...


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