Sunday, July 31, 2011

Stuff Milli Vanilli Hath Said...

"Blame it on Lorraine." - Milli or Vanilli, after silent farting in Lorraine's apartment.  Probably.

"Blame it on the train." - Milli or Vanilli, while watching the movie "Unstoppable".

"Blame it on the brain." - Milli or Vanilli, trying to spell to spell "butter".

"Blame it on the drain." - Milli or Vanilli, current occupation: plumber.

"Blame it on the grain." - Milli or Vanilli, alcoholics.

I'm finally feeling better. Thanks for all of your concern. I've been kinda out of it, blogging wise.  I'll try to  swing by your blogs and leave a comment or two, ASAP.


  1. I think someone has been doing lesson plans on rhyming words....

  2. Glad you're feeling well enough to leave that dang song rolling around in my head. ;)

  3. Getting a summer flu, or cold, just sucks! Probably worse when your a teacher and your not even exposed to those drippy germ infested little people you work with. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. This is my kind of post! Love what you came up with. Hope you feel back to normal (is that possible?) very soon!

  5. Glad you ate feeling better. And I bet you are right on about them being alcoholic plumbers now :)

  6. My mom's name is Laraine. You can imagine the fun we had with that. I think she's still bitter.

  7. Glad you're feeling better - we've missed our cheese!

  8. Good to see you're up and writing again!

  9. Are you sure they weren't "lip syncing" those lines? Ha ha - what a blast from the past and now I have that song stuck in my head.

    Glad you are finally on the mend.

  10. I blame Lorraine for your illness too.

  11. Milli Vanilli?

    I heard they changed their name to "Phoney Baloney"

  12. Love this post, Cheeseboy. I especially like the plumber one. Hope you're back to 100% as you're reading this.

  13. To think we ever took these guys seriously.

    Glad you're feeling better.

  14. Milli Vanilli... LMAO!!! That's just funny all by itself!
    Glad you are feeling better :)

  15. I went to a Milli Vanilli concert. I know, you just deleted me from your friend's list, but I figured now that I'm back, it's true confession time. I actually defended them. I think you know, musically I have evolved.....;)

  16. greatest american poets ever.

    wait, are they american?

  17. I miss those guys. They were awesome. Very talented.

  18. Hilarious :0) I'm glad you're feeling better. Those summer bugs are horrible. Take it easy.

  19. they could easily rekindle their career remixing blame it on the grain/alcohol with jamie foxx.

  20. Should I admit that I have one of their CDs hidden away in a box down in my basement?

    Yeah, probably not...

  21. You poor man. You must have been REALLY sick to have remembered Milli Vanilli.

  22. the last thing I want to have rattling around in my heard is a Milli Vanilli song...
    I'm glad you are feeling better (you were sick?)

  23. Okay, I had to look at the post before this one, because, for a minute, I thought you were having some emotional angst about your place in the blogging world. But then I remembered, it's you and in your dumpster diving, Barney costumed world, I don't think there's any room for angst. Glad to hear it was only vomit.

    I will never forgive Milli Vanilli. Not because they conned all of America but because they did it in bike shorts. Spandex ones. And that, my friend is just cruel.

  24. I loved them in their day. Stupid frauds!


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