Saturday, July 9, 2011

My First Graders sing TV Show theme songs.

Last May, I thought I would blow the parents of my first graders away with a little medley of theme songs from TV shows.  It took a lot of time, but my first graders had it mastered by program time.

FYI: I had a lot of people ask me if all of these students were in my class.  No, this is all four first grade classes at our school combined.  Although, a class of 80 kids would considered strange around these parts.

This was also the first time I have attempted to have first graders do "solos".  The result was terrific.  Check it out!


  1. A solo whistler? Awesome. Looks like a great program and a creative one at that! This should be a first grade yearly event.

  2. Probably my favorite part was the lady in blue (with the glasses) singing along with half of the program...


    Who could forget these amazing theme songs? I am a bit disappointed that you didn't have the theme from Growing Pains as it was one of the best of all time. Of course, you did include Full House so I guess all can be forgiven...

  3. A couple of those kids weren't afraid to belt it out on their solos.

  4. hahaha.

    favorite was the Gilligan's Island kid, "the mooovie *stahr*".


  5. Success! Loved the kid in the orange shirt breaking it down for the Fresh Prince! So much fun.

  6. Hee hee! They really hit their stride by "Charles in Charge" and just kept rocking it out from there! Love it!

  7. I have to agree that the Fresh Prince soloist had some good moves. Were those on his own or did you tell him what to do?

    Great program!

  8. The Fresh Prince one was my favorite of them all! Thanks for posting!

  9. Oh my ears...Sponge Bob. Doh. Do not like that song. But the rest? Precious!

  10. You guys have the most rockinest raddest funnest concerts EVER in the history of elementary schools!!

    Man I want to be in first grade but I can't seem to graduate from preschool!

  11. Best. Medley. Ever.

    The CHEERS theme song plays in my head every time I go into Maverick. Everyone yells "NORM" when I walk in.

  12. Fresh Prince of Bel Air by FAR, my favorite! You ROCK, teach!

  13. I'll have to watch this later, I'm sat next to my wife watching Countryfile and don't want to wear headphones as it seems rude.

  14. So cute. You're such a creative teacher!

  15. My favorite is the crumper in the orange shirt.

  16. Well done! I particularly loved Charles in Charge since it is now stuck in my head. Thankyou.

    And the whipping ponytails on the back row were AWESOME!

  17. Man. I wish you would come do our music programs. No more of the same lame-o stuff, bring on the solo whistles!

  18. You had me at Sponge Bob Square Paaaaannnts!

    Plus the kid in the orange shirt had some rad dance moves.

  19. Dude.

    I just wrote this long comment that I will never remember because with each child I lost a 1/3 of my brain cells and I have 3 kids. You do the math.

    But the thing is, Blogger has a new error message and I know who reads your blog, so I'll try to keep this clean, but their new error message is just one big Blogger middle finger. I'm going to blog about this this week, so you'll see what I'm talking about.

    So, let me see if I can scrape any remnants of what I already said together.

    First of all, I said your little people should have sang, "Cheese in charge of our days and our nights. Cheese in charge of our wrongs and our rights."

    You should really consider being a music teacher full time. You would certainly instill the love of music in kids.

    And I love all your little rappers. They were kickin' it along with Will to some Fresh Prince.

    You could give that P.S. middle school from NYC a run for their money. They were on the Oscars this year, you know. Something to think about.

  20. I can't remember what I was going to say, Joann cracked me up!

    And yes, I've been getting that stinking error on my blog too-- apparently I don't know how to spell my own name and until I correct it, it won't let me change my side bar introduction.
    Great program again this year CB!

  21. Awesome! I can get down to some Fresh Prince! GOOD TIMES! The Sponge Bob threw me off my game though. Emma doesn't watch that one yet and to tell you a secret.....I'm an ex-elementary teacher who HATES cartoons. I know. I'm weird.

  22. Your school looks like a lot more fun than any of mine ever were.

  23. HAHAHAHA! That is hilarious! I loved Seinfeld! Hahaha.

  24. You are so creative with your students, just like you are with your writing! My son is going into first grade. Any chance he can be in your class? Surely Texas and Utah aren't too far apart?

  25. HA! Awesome! They did one of these at my kids school. Funny to see many of the fellow parents singing along!


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