Monday, April 4, 2011

Cheeseboy Family Pirate Dance Party 2011

Sometimes a pirates gotta have a dance party with his sons. This April day was that day for this pirate.


  1. That was the cutest thing I have seen today. I am sitting here missing the days that my little ones lived here. Now my little ones have little ones of their own. Not quite the same.

    God, those times are precious. So very sweet.

  2. THAT was incredible! They were having almost as much fun as you were! :)

  3. How many boys is your wife raising? I counted three...

  4. Your wife married you for your moves didn't she?

  5. Coolest pirates ever!

    Your dancing kinda turned me on.

  6. This was just a random day? Not even Talk Like a Pirate Day?

  7. Loved this so much! They took it so very seriously! Adorable kids and super fun Dad!

  8. I think I saw some of the moves in there that you taught the 6th graders ... what was it ... Butterfly Fairy?! hehe Fun stuff.

  9. Very good job on the pirate dancing there dad!!!!

  10. I'm glad the hook and swords were made of rubber...they were made of rubber were they not?
    Super fun! Super cute!

  11. Fun! While you all are obviously very talented, I must say that the little one has some sweet moves.

  12. the small pirates had some sweet moves (umm, and the big one too...) that little hook had me worried though :)

  13. There were 2 adorable pirate munchkins and one big scary pirate with amazeball moves! Awesome!

    How did I miss National Pirates Day on my calendar?

  14. I love to dance around with my kids, but I definitely don't video tape it, because your's was so fun and cute, but mine would just be scary! haha

  15. Made me feel all happy inside. What a cool dad. Thanks!

  16. ...except ye shall become as a little child...

    You know the rest... Humility at it's finest! Your boys will remember this forever. :)

  17. Mrs. Cheese must be so proud ;-)
    You are an awesome dancing pirate dad!

  18. I see you passed your silly side on to your offspring. You youngest cracks me up! I know what we're doing for FHE next Monday.

  19. Yeah! This has gotten my day off to a good start. Thanks!

  20. Nice moves!! I think your youngest is a ham! I love that he stood directly in front of the camera the whole time...just like my oldest boy!

  21. You are an awesome dad.

    Now, go audition for So You Think You Can Dance.

  22. Every day should be Dance Like A Pirate Day With A Little Hip Hop Infusion.

    Those little pirates are some seriously cute dudes.

    Three boys-- your wife/mom must have her hands full.

  23. This is ADORABLE!
    i love your mask!
    And i liked it so much I posted it to my FB page...everyONE should see this video!!!

  24. Love that this is a random day at your house and that you have all that costume stuff just laying around waiting for inspiration to hit!

  25. Your boys are adorable pirates. And you, sir, um, are lucky to be married! I kid.

  26. AWESOME. My boys love dance parties too, but I have to say, your moves are a lot better than mine. Do you give lessons?

  27. What cute little pirates! :o) That's a great dad who will pirate dance party with his kids. Even if he looks like something from the slimy deep. LOL!

    Have a great week!

  28. I liked it when he put his hat on the side of his head. Very Lady Gaga. The tall ugly child with the face of an octopus was unfortunate, though.

  29. I haven't managed to watch this yet. So why are you commenting, Kate? Just to say that in the past, I would try to get my ex-husband to not let me eat things I shouldn't. You know, "help" with my diet. It's not the reason we're not together still, but it wasn't a pleasant experience for either of us. You must be a much nicer person than I am. :) I don't put Jeff through that. And this whole not running thing is driving me crazy. One more week, then I'm back, even if it's with large doses of ibuprofen. I'll finish healing after the marathon.

  30. I'm wondering how the crew of the Black Pearl would react to the pirates of the Big Couch.

  31. This is definitely your best work yet! Have you sent a copy to Disney yet?

  32. Lol! So cute! That is one freaky mask though. But love it. A dance party with the kids really can make the day so much better

  33. Ahoy Matey's! You have some good dance moves there, Abe. You are creating some memorable moments with your boys. They will always remember pirate dancing with dad.

    Thanks for making me smile today!!

  34. I think having a Pirate Dance Party with your kids is the best possible thing you can ever, ever do. They'll never forget it. And they'll never be afraid of the dance floor.

  35. Loved this...your wife must stay pretty busy.

  36. disturbing in a way but it would be even more disturbing if I see a ninja video next ;o)

  37. This is one of the best parts of having little kids- dancing like crazy because they don't care what you look like... you're brave to put it up for everyone else to see!

  38. I had better not show this to my boys or they'll be asking me to do it too!

    Not that that would normally be a bad thing. But considering I'm waddling at this point in my pregnancy, I'd hate to see what my dancing would look like.

  39. You're all exactly the same age so this works out perfectly! You're a cool dad!

  40. Yes, these are the moments of your lives. ;-)

  41. What a cool daddy you are!!! Looks like they had a blast.

  42. OMG Cheeseboy, u rock the dance floor! What moves!

    I couldn't stop laughing! What a great daddy you are:) Your boys must think your rock!

    Look at all the comments you got on this post. Maybe you should consider Vlogging!

  43. I can't quit giggling! We have frequent dance parties around here but my husband is never one of the dancers. Shame on him! Honestly, nothing brings me more joy than watching my sons get down. It is pure bliss.



  45. :-) It always makes me smile seeing a great Dad playing with his awesome kiddos!

    ::pat on back::

    Good job Cheese!

  46. I saw your icon in the comments on SOMEONE'S blog and just HAD to come over.

    Being a Wisconsin Cheesehead myself, I just HAD to see what a rectangular cheesehead was like.

    The pirate dance is hysterical.

    I enjoyed my visit - - - will probably return.

  47. Yeah, ya know, as a mom of boys, I have to say that sometimes a boy has to get his pirate on! And sometimes it's Darth Vader. :)
    Very cute little pirates.

  48. I had to comment again because #1: This is AWESOME.

    #2: It reminded me of Calvin and Hobbes and I just wanted you to know that.


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