Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday Graph: Mambo Number 5 - Twelve Years Later



  1. You have too much time on your hands - and now I have that stupid song stuck in my head.

  2. Oh Brad! I guess it's to be expected from him...

  3. Cheeseboy lyrics:

    a little bit of crazy in the head
    maybe he once gnawed on too much lead ...

    a good amount of twisted in his brain
    and what it now produces is inane ...

    a little bit of wacko from this guy
    i bet that his poor wife just has to sigh ...


  4. You are HILARIOUS! This has to be one of my favourite songs of all time (sorry, Alex) and I remember dancing around in the kitchen with our kids, only it was the Disney version:
    A little bit of Minnie, full of strife
    A little bit of Mickey, beats his wife.
    A little bit of Donald -aw, he peed!
    A little bit of Daisy boinks Lou Reed
    A little bit of Pluto breaks the law
    Huey, Duey, Louie menage a trois
    A little bit of Goofy on the run
    A little bit of Cheese makes life so fun.

  5. i got no witty lyrics for you today...
    BUT maybe...
    "A little bit of Cluttered in the box. She's been packing like a fox"
    "I might be done soon I hope...
    because I don't wanna look like dope"
    ON MOVING DAY that is...
    Your song is much much better!!!

  6. I am loving this... and now have this tune stuck in my head!

  7. Lol! Sadly there is a very good chance you might be right :)

    And yes that song is totally stuck in my head now.

  8. That song is a total earworm. And now you've passed it to ALL your readers.



    (that said, awesome graph!)

  9. I'm even mentioned in that song. He and I had a good thing going.

  10. It's about time this issue was addressed. People always wonder what happens to the artists. No one ever cares about their muses.

  11. And now I will never be able to listen to that song without thinking of this...

  12. I always wondered about them. Hard to believe that Erica ended up with the best life.

    Love it!

  13. Dang you for getting this stuck in my head. Dang you.

  14. Who ever knew that that song would be so prosaic?

  15. Oh yeah, I was wondering what happened to all those girls. I'm glad you're still in contact with 'em.

  16. a favorite song. Good rework. I didn't care much for the last one but I don't have a better suggestion at the moment.

  17. I didn't like the song then and I still don't like it even though it is now stuck in my head too. Guess that's what you get for having little bits instead of the whole person.

  18. (Snicker)

    We have a version from back when Bill Clinton was president, done in "his" voice. A little bit of Monica on the side, a little bit of Paula (something something), a little bit of Gennifer... that's what I always think of when I hear the tune, but not for long because I can't remember all the words. :)

  19. I will not sing the song, I will not sing the song......

    Thanks for the birthday wishes :)

  20. Has it really been 12 years? I think it's been that long since I've heard it and now it's inside my head! Great update! :)

  21. I thought this was going to be "whatever happened to...?". Wait, it is.

    Do you know how long it took me to get that song OUT of my head?

  22. I just realized I missed the Barney getting Chinese food post - you did do it, I know you did - didn't you?

  23. Seriously. Where DO you come up with this stuff?

    I remember when that song first came out how excited we were because he mentions "Jessica" - my daughter's name, and "Erica" my niece's name - both in the same song. What are the chances of THAT happening again?

  24. Where in the heck do you come up with this stuff? It's brilliant! I laughed my head off!!!! :o)

  25. What a poignant ballad - brought tears to my eyes!

  26. Gotta admit Cheeseboy, that was your best post ever!! I'm still laughing and will probably have that song stuck in my head along with the new lyrics of course!

  27. You DO know that I worked as a White House intern when Monica was there, right? We still email. She was totally set up. Poor thing.

  28. Clever, Cheeseboy, and that's a great ending - though not for Jessica.

    xoRobyn PS It's good to be back in bloggyland.

  29. Loved this. I was listening to this the other day and found it so weird that now when I hear these first names I think of people I know and love and feel he is such a jerk for stepping out like that on all my friends!

  30. It took me a good year to get that song out of my head.

    Hilarious post!

  31. hated that song then. Like it even less today.

  32. I can't decide whether to laugh or cry. Laugh, because it was funny, cry because that will be in my head forever now!

  33. dang... I didn't see the "click image to enlarge" until I'd squinted through the entire thing... my eyes hate you, but luckily the rest of me was chuckling hard enough to make up for it.

    besides, I'm pretty sure I didn't need Mary to be enlarged any more than she already was.

  34. Bwha-ha ha. But a little sick. ;)

  35. I like starting my work week with a song stuck in my head.

  36. hahaha ... I have to say - I enjoyed reading some of these comments as much as your post this time :)

  37. Has it been 12 years since Mambo? I just heard that song on the radio yesterday! Now, I will sing it to your version!

  38. Hahaha!!! How did you even REMEMBER that song?? And, please don't say Brad is giving away such awful presents! Please! I'm so glad you reminded me that The Bachelor comes on tonight. Yahhhhhhoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. I love that tune at weddings - every single one of those charachters you just highlighted dances to it. Every time.

  40. I use to LOVE that song! You're funny and from what I can read, your followers think so too!

  41. Abe, you have a very deep well of creativity....great stuff, keep it up, very entertaining!

  42. Well, at least I have something funny to think about while that damn song gets stuck in my head now. This was hilarious!

  43. Whatever happened to "Me and Mrs Jones" ?!
    Enjoyed the lyrics.

  44. Like everybody else, I now have that tune stuck in my head. Ugh.

  45. Has it been that long? So now I have that song stuck in my head as well as the Macarena due to hearing it on an "oldies" station the other day ...yaay me.

  46. You need to sell your blog ideas. They're BRILLIANT!

  47. Now...I've got that song stuck in my head again (it took me 5 years to get it out!). FUNNY post, I'm a new fan!


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