Monday, January 31, 2011

Barney the Purple Dinosaur Picks up his Chinese Take Out Order

Finally!  The video that you have all been waiting for.  Barney and the Chinese Take Out Order!

Now, because of the fact that I am too stupid to figure out how to edit three videos into one, you will be blessed to see three separate videos.  This first video is of me ordering the Chinese food over the phone as Barney.  As you can see, the Barney suit is tattered and torn into something that resembles Barney's evil cousin, Larry. This Barney costume is over 20 years old and has been used in numerous gags just like this over the years.  Needless to say, this Barney suit has had quite the history.

The next video was taken by a ten-year-old neighbor girl that went into the Chinese place with me and my son.  I was very worried that the owner would call the police thinking I was going to rob the place.  I thought if I brought a couple kids in with me, they would be less likely to call the police.  I was very nervous - much more nervous than my other stunts, in fact.  It did not help that the girl that was working the register was extremely attractive and not amused at all.  Anyway, I apologize for the spinning, but it was a hidden camera held by a ten-year-old.

Finally, my wife took this video as she waited out in the car.


  1. That is hilarious! You definitely didn't disappoint.

    And Barney is 20?

  2. First:
    Bwwwaaaah ha ha hah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ha h ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah hah ah ah ah!!!

    Wuuff! Don't let the door hit you in the butt - no - face on the way out!!!


    How were the wooon tooons?

  3. I can't believe you actually did it! Now, what's coming if you hit 1,000 follows!?

  4. LOL!!! All right this is too too funny!! You did it. Seriously though, where did you get that costume?

    Oh and could you please put up links to your 400 and 300 follower gigs?

  5. "No, I don't think there's an 'e' in my own name..." haha!
    Good idea bringing the kids. I totally would think you were robbing the place if I were in there. Very funny!

  6. HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! I cannot quit laughing!!! I'm serious! This is NUTS! I would've been SO NERVOUS to go inside that restaurant. I would have had to have had some vodka and something else FOSHIZZLE. I know you are not a vodka man, so I am even MORE impressed that you did this! I love that your boys are so excited to see their dad act the fool! I absolutely LOVE it and can't quit laughing about it. You are awesome, Cheeseboy. Absolutely awesome.

  7. Okay, that was cute. I am guessing that girl behind the counter had been burned by a furry purple guy before. But her lack of amusement was actually what made it more amusing.

    And now this song is stuck in my head: I love you, you love me...


  8. You don't disappoint, Cheeseboy!

  9. a) You're brave.
    b) You're crazy.
    c) I laughed!!!!
    d) That girl at the counter WAS snotty. If only she knew what was in her restaurant!!!
    e) My favorite part was hearing the kids with you giggle. They will never forget this! :o)

  10. cute accomplices LOL - love it!

  11. whoah. I'm dizzy now.
    What? Your wife can't be seen with you when you are dressed like Barney?
    Lol. She could dress like baby bop....
    Or whatever her name was...

    Love it.

    I love love me....
    we're best friends like friends should beeee....
    Love it but next time sing the BArney song at the chinese
    Love you cheeseboy!

  12. Your my Hero!!!! I love it!!!! Can't stop LMAO!!!! I love how you even ordered the food as Barney!

  13. This post was definitely worth the wait. Priceless. I loved how you said "I don't think there's an 'e'" (in your name) and how your son let the door smack you, so he could get a good picture. I don't know how that girl could've been so straight faced. She looked like she serves Barney all the time. Great job, Cheeseboy. Thanks for the laughs.

  14. Well done! This was hilarious.
    Can't wait for 600

  15. Thanks for the laugh. Funny stuff. On a serious note, if you have a Mac and use the free software on it, just drag and drop your videos to string them together. But, I thought it was funnier as 3 with the comments between.

  16. I LOVE the fact that your wife stayed in the car. Is there no mortification too big for you, Cheese? That was beyond hilarious.

    And I always wondered who had the 555 prefix. So, you live in the land of sitcoms, eh?

    And that girl behind the counter was a Barney hater, for sure. She certainly didn't call you a dinosaur sensation. You need to piss her off even more by coming in every week dressed like that.

  17. That is HILARIOUS! I love that the girl behind the counter looked up and didn't react at all as you walked into the place... like Barney stopping by happens all the time!! LMAO!!! As AC/DC once said.. You've got big balls!!

  18. The only thing missing was you impersonating the Barney voice (we all know you do a mean Bruce Springsteen).

    Imagine placing the order over the phone talking like Barney, which they would no doubt think was a prank, then you actually show up in the costume demanding your order. High comedy.

  19. I was laughing even before I watched the videos. I loved watching the reactions of the other people. I was waiting for you to get in a fight with the guy that stepped on your tail. But that would be so unBarneylike I guess. Great job Cheese.

  20. was it my imagination, or was Barney missing a few teeth?

    that was funny.

    you're so weird!

  21. Hilarious! I can't believe you actually did it!
    Totally awesome!

  22. that second video SO messed with my vertigo prone head - but it was worth it!

    love it!

    Perhaps I should offer up some crazy stunt... but I'm afraid the only costume I can get my hands on might be Sailor Moon... and it's gonna take a few more trips to the gym before that'd happen!!!

  23. Oh my goodness...this was too funny. I liked how you waved at everyone in the restaurant. ha ha ha.

  24. That is very funny. I admire your courage in wearing a Barney suit in public. That is kind of like wearing a bullseye walking around an archery range. There are millions of parents who have been conditioned to lose it when they hear that voice or see the purple suit.

  25. No way is Barney 20! Seriously, wow.

    You have courage, my friend. You really do *giggle*

  26. Awesome, just awesome. It is even funnier the 2nd time watching.

    I love how you added the "555" area code for the movies in there.

  27. hee hee hee.

    Yeah. Who would bring kids into rob a Chinese Restaurant? I loved those little giggly abettors.

    Real Barney would be so proud of you. Where is he anyway?

  28. Why PBS hasn't called you yet, for an interview, is beyond me!

  29. I swear one of those children said "that was whack!" and if he did, I applaud him for knowing his 90's pop culture.

    As for the rest, I only have this to say:

  30. I don't know what that girls problem was--look at all that free advertising you just gave that place with all your millions of viewers!!

    You make me giggle Cheeseboy--something that is pretty hard to do in the middle of winter. Thanx for that.

  31. BEST video EVER.
    And? The smile of a happy man looks eerily like the smile of a psycho man. ;)

  32. Bravo! I can't decide if I like the ordering or the picking up better...
    Well done, glad I was a follower that pushed you over into the 500's!

  33. how do we know it was you in the costume at the chinese place? That could of been anybody!! I need to talk to my lawyer about this. I might sue.

  34. Hand me a tissue, please! I am cracking up! Sure wish I could have been there to see in person! You are a brave man, Cheeseboy!

  35. Epic!!
    So was there too much pan in the dish?

  36. oh bless you, you can't say you're a man who doesn't follow through. I offer you this for your 532nd follower challenge (it really doesn't merit an important number)

  37. I did laugh heartily! Oh wow. That was so awkward. Hehehehehehehe LOVED IT!!

  38. the best part was your ordering... that sounds mexican - i'm gmae for you doing a series of prank phone calls

  39. "Yes. I'm here for a pick-up order? The names...uh...Barney?"


    I type this as a blizzard works its way into Chicagoland. Tomorrow has already been declared a snow day. I have now found the means by which I will entertain The Cherubs when we are homebound. From the bottom of my heart, Cheese, I thank you.

  40. I'm dizzy.

    And the little girl doing the video - she was adorable! I loved how she wished you luck!

    And your wife's lauging cracked me up.

  41. My favorite part was when you were coming out the door. That, and your wife choosing to wait in the car.

  42. Well, the gal at the counter may not have been amused, but surely a lot of other people were and the kidlets all seem very happy.

  43. That was SO worth me having all of my prison friends come over to follow your blog!

    Too funny! I loved the kids giggling through the video. I think you made everyone's night :-)

  44. Excellent. Not sure how it took me so long to get over here to watch! Love that the door almost hit you in the face as you came out! You better start teaching your boys some chivalry! :-) Even if it is for a dinosaur! haha

  45. great - so your wife stayed in the get away car?
    I sure how you do not set any blogger precedent because if I ever reach 500 I'm not doing anything like that.

  46. oh, you are too much, cheeseboy. Just too much.

  47. That's funny! Loved how in the first video, you gave your big cheesy grin, then paused to make sure we all got it.
    And what about that cashier?? She wasn't phased at all!
    Too funny!

  48. You are a man of your word!

  49. I seriously laughed so much watching these that my husband got up off the couch from watching Sports Center (very big deal) to watch it!


    What will you be doing for 1,000 followers? And why don't you ever answer questions? It makes me wanna keep asking questions until you answer them because that's just the way I roll.

  50. You really are a man of your word! LOL!!!

  51. Oh dude, this is awesome! I'm tweeting about it right now. :) LOL

  52. You are not only a man of his word, you THE MAN period! Awesome Abe!!! This was a classic...

  53. Bhahhahaaha... loved the giggles and almost getting flattened by the door! Barney would of been thinned! 20 years old, I have to ask... isn't it a bit stinky in there??

  54. You are very brave indeed taking a personal risk like that, there are several parents that I know who would have stoned barney on sight.

    Very very funny.

  55. I'm surprised you didn't get beat up! That was fantastic!

    The only thing that would have made it better is if all your followers were there to break into a Barney song as you entered the establishment!

    Good job, Cheeseboy!

  56. No, didn't. You did! Oh my gosh!

  57. You are the awesomest ever!

    I love how the bald dude was enjoying every moment of it!

    How did that cashier not react AT ALL?!?!

    Watch out for that door! hehehehehe

  58. OK, the worst thing about waiting this long to comment is that all of the good comments have been made. I have a Cat in the Hat costume that I can offer you for your 600th follower stunt, though. :)

    Now I have to decide whether to go run on the inch of snow covering our 2-3 inches of snow and sleet, or whether to clear off the car so I can drive to the gym. Neither sounds too appealing.

  59. Fantastic Brother Barny (with no e)!!! I'm really impressed:) My six year old thinks you hung the moon.

  60. Oh that is freaking hilarious!!! You are a nut! hahaha.

  61. Hilarious! And I think the kids loved it too judging from all the giggles. You're really an "Honest Abe". I'm looking forward to the 600 stunt.

  62. Too funny!! And what was up with that guy totally trying to steal your thunder? Next time I think you should trip a little kid while wearing the costume!

  63. Oh my gosh! You are so funny! I don't know how you are going to top that and still be legal, LOL. Well worth the wait!

  64. Can my 17-year-old borrow that costume to ask a girl to a dance?

    You are too, too funny.

  65. WOW! That's awesome. I think. :D LOL. Did your wife know what she was getting into when she married you?

    Thanks for the laugh!

  66. That would be the hillbilly version of Barney - would go WELL in my town! (PS - I'm not crippled or paralyzed from our weather despite what was forecasted)

  67. are you not totally busting out laughing while taping?

    I love the Papparazzi following behind on the trip inside the store!


  68. Hi, Abe! I just stumbled upon your blog and, obviously, decided to become a follower! I love humor blogs where people do things for others' reactions and stuff like that, so this blog seems like it'll be my cup of tea. Oh wait, I don't drink tea...let's rephrase: This blog seems like it'll be my cup of noodles!

  69. Now I want Chinese and have to puke.

  70. So glad I finally got to see this. It was worth the wait. I love how excited and non-embarrassed your kids are.

    My favorite comment? From the 10 year old videographer...It's not so bad after all. I wonder what she thought was going to happen?

  71. Wow that costume looks pretty good - makes me want to break out in song "I WUV YOU, YOU WUV ME!". I have always wondered and now you are the guy to ask - What does Barney smell like on the INSIDE? W.C.C.

  72. My favorite post all day - I've been waiting for this one! I don't know what made me laugh more - the slightly perverted smile of a happy guy in the first video or the dude tripping over you in the second. Oh and the door hitting you as you came out.

  73. You never disappoint!

    Delightfully weird. :-)


  74. I was nervous for you thinking the people would call the cops too! (I would.)

    And I love that your wife wouldn't come in with you- Hehe!

  75. OMG that is hilarious! I just found you by way of Joann and I am so please! I must introduce you to the other cheese blogs. Do you know Nicky and Mike from We Work for Cheese if you don't you must meet!

  76. Excellent, very nicely done! Looked like the Barney outfit could use some dental work, but let's not nit pick. The cashier did look annoyed but she was probably hoping that Barney Rubble would appear. Maybe for your 1,000th follower you can pull that one off. Thanks for the pay-off, great job!

  77. That was a first-rate stunt, mate! I assume you were waving at kids inside the diner? As for the "hidden" camera work of the 10-year-old, it's not very hidden when everyone can see it. And not very necessary to hide it when two other kid-size-paparazzi are taking your picture like crazy.

  78. Abe, I couldn't help but break out with a huge grin when I watched made a great ending to a day like today.

    You, my friend, are awesome!

  79. Awesome! It may be the auditor in me, but having the phone call come in while you placed the order, made me wonder if you were really on the phone. Having the kids with you in the restaurant was great, too!

  80. You are one silly guy Abe! How was the food btw? Did you eat it with your Barney head still on? That would have made a nice video.


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