Thursday, September 30, 2010

Improv Everywhere Clip of the Day: Star Wars Subway Car

Improv Everywhere is one of my favorite things in life. Here is one of their latest missions, surprising subway passengers in the The Star Wars Subway Car.


  1. That is ten kinds of different awesome.

  2. Even weirder I take that line everyday.

  3. This video rocks my face off.

    Total awesome.

    I am a geek.

  4. Totally cool - going to go watch some of the other ones they have now!

  5. I want something like this to occur in my daily life. Sadly I do not ride the subway...or any other form of public transportation. That probably cuts my chances quite a bit.

  6. That was so awesome! Thanks for sharing! I loved it, and the people in the subway did, too!

  7. That looked like an 'E' ticket ride to me. Loved it.

  8. Is that the guy who RUNS the subway or the guy who cleans the cars of all of the gunk? W.C.C.

  9. Pretty funny Cheeseboy. We watched it twice!

  10. That was great! Love how all the cameras came out when Vadar appeared.

  11. This group is made of awesome -- thank you for posting the video!! I've read their mission reports for years. Makes me wish I lived in NYC :)

  12. LOL.. that is funny! I love how everyone on the subway is taking pictures with their phones!!

  13. i want to be on that train!!!

  14. Improv Everywhere is one of my favorite things too. Wouldn't it be fun to be a part of it? This one was awesome. My boys are gonna love it.

  15. Good stuff, comedic actors always amaze me with their ability not to smile. I guess the stormtrooper helmets would help.

  16. Love Improv. That is all kinds of shades of hilarious.

  17. Where did you find this? Wow! i love it! Thanks for sharing!

  18. this is what I am supposed to be doing in my life. I have missed my calling and it saddens me. Can we start a Blogging Improv Troop? You can be the Supreme Leader!!

  19. I love watching flash mobs, especially the dance groups!

  20. I love watching flash mobs! The dance goups are my favorite.

  21. I need to go visit my sis in NYC - just hoping against hope to run into the Improv crew.

    and maybe Cash Cab...

    and see Cats. No, strike that - we all know I couldn't live through that again.

  22. So awesome...I'll have to share that one with the hubby!

  23. You are always welcome at my over 40 club my friend! I so love your post! I totally laughed my butt off! You are just too creative! I need to grab your button, so I can remember where you're at. LOL Have a great weekend.

  24. That was pretty cool. I really would have liked some light saber action and a few limbs flying off

  25. I love these guys!!! They are so awesome. I think the first one I saw was no pants day or something along those lines. hahaha.

  26. Hahahahaha!!! I love that! I am showing this to my son tomorrow. He is obsessed with Star Wars. Last year, we all went to Disney World for Halloween. I was Princess Leia (thought, I must say my outfit was a bit more flattering), my husband was Darth Vader, my 5 y/o was a Storm Trooper and the little guy was an Ewok. We signed autographs! This video was so fun. I'm definitely Googling "Improv Everywhere".

  27. Oh my gosh! I SO want to do that!!

  28. That is FANTASTIC and so full of win.


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