Tuesday, July 20, 2010

So, you're saying that you want to read about me pooping myself?

No, you're not?  Well, if you DO want to read about me pooping myself, the story is being featured on LOL today.  You can read it here.

But if you haven't read my post about famous people and their first grade teachers from yesterday, you might want to read that as well.  I mean, if you are into reading stuff, especially stuff that I have written.


  1. My mom said to me the other day, "Must you tell everything on this Internet?" And I said, "Yes Mom. I must. It is a necessity."

    We bloggers know no boundaries and that is a very good thing, indeed.

    And what are you, the LOL celebrity? You're over there now on a regular basis. Do you have the VIP pass?

  2. Ditto Joann! Yup. She said everything I wanted to say. But I had to leave a comment anyway, cuz I'm just that kind of person.

  3. I don't want to do anything involving poop because I'm in training to be a fish sniffer.

  4. once was enough thanks - but we always appreciate the warning... I mean we appreciate the notice that we'll find you being funny TWO places...

  5. I just snorted diet coke through my nose laughing at you pooping your pants!

    Serio - funny stuff!

    The things we do in the name of "training".

    Real Question - how did your marathon go?

  6. Wow! I went and read about it.

    I can't believe I did.

  7. This is a lazy post. Just thought I'd call you out on that. :)

  8. OOH EMM GEE!!! How funny was that? I would highly recommend "Slimquick Cleanse" before a big race. It's formulated for chicks but DUDE!! LOL LOL and still LOLing

  9. You are so funny. And I need a laugh today...thanks.

  10. All I can say is that I'm glad you're wearing deodorant again...

  11. I've heard of this kind of thing happening for those like you, in training or even racing.
    I read on one gals blog how she had such an emergency with nowhere to "GO"
    behind a house it was then wiping by rubbing on the grass like a dog...oooo

    btw are you signed up for the provo river trail next month? my son may be running that and if you are there i must find you!

    anyway, your story was totally gross!

  12. WoW! Has this happened more than once? If so, you really need to see a doctor! I am always the one to enter after someone has had a "bowel" episode! Great post!

  13. Good luck with the marathon, and may there be plenty of available porta potties along the way.

    I hope it was relieving for you to dump and spew this story. You are brave.

  14. So glad you felt compelled to share your poo story. It was a good story and an enlightening one too, as I always wondered how in the world thoses messes just "show up" in public restrooms. So glad I have not been in that situation, yet.

  15. That post on LOL was great. Very inspiring to the new runner in me. Are you really training now, or was this a post you had already written? If so, how's the training coming? I want to hear more.

  16. I'm not sure if I'm going to brave that or not but YOU are just showing up all over the place! :)

  17. Runs = runs. That must be why I'm not a runner. I think the waddling home was the funniest part. You could relate to a toddler at that point. Good luck on your next run - is Immodium off limits?

  18. Crazy story but it was more PAINFUL for me than funny. Except of course waddling home to the in-laws ... NOW THAT is funny! W.C.C.

  19. Funny SHIT!!!!!! Ok, no pun intended....really!

  20. Yes you were right...really bad visual there.
    but I can relate....I have pooped my pants in my day as well.....no where to go and when you get THAT URGE there is not holding back
    I just threw out the underwear and cried/laughed at the same time.

    good luck with your marathon.
    I don't believe in running. Unless it is to a bathroom

  21. Its been a shit yourself kind of week for all of us!!

  22. the question is, how could i NOT read that story....my attention is all yours!!

  23. I am impressed you wrote all of that. Good going CB. This was hilarious. Good luck with the marathon!:)

  24. ok...i'm trying to decide if i should do this...

  25. This is crazy! When I lived with my ex & son in SLC (2000-2002) WE lived about 3 blocks from Liberty Park! (SLC 1st Ward, SLC Park Stake) That park is the park where I began running.

    Also---glad to know I'm not the only one who has pooped her pants! Not giving any details . . . ;o)

  26. I think i have that disease too. You should start a telethon.

  27. And you continue to run...you are a brave man!

  28. Ok, that was the funniest thing I've heard in a long time.. I love that you told the people waiting that you have no idea what happened in there.

  29. What??? I clicked on the link, but I'm pretty sure that post was not about you...nor my sister.

    Might want to check it.

    Shoot...because I really DID want to read your poopy pants story again!

  30. My husband once told me that whenever a guy breaks formation, disappears into the woods, and returns only wearing one sock...he really had to poo!


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