Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Blogging about what I think about when I am thinking about blogging: A history.

"Blogging was something that was cool like 8 years ago." - Liz Lemon in the season finale of 30 Rock.

Well apparently, I am the pudgy, drunken cousin that showed up late to the blogging party.  (Or to the "Casual Bloggers Conference" which many of you beloved readers attended, but most of you were not drunk.)

Dateline: March 2008:  I give birth to The Blog O' Cheese.

I had an blog epidural, so the pain was minimized and I could talk freely with my wife about my new little one.  (FYI: a blog epidural is injected directly into the "Settings" tab.  It hurts at first, but within minutes, you're numb.)

The first post was just some goofy pictures I took of the boys.  I received exactly two comments - one from my brother and one from my sister.  I think they felt sorry for me. (I was worthy of their pity.)

Looking back, I am not sure exactly what caused me to start blogging.  At the outset, I envisioned writing for thousands of humor-loving souls, eager for a daily laugh. (Not thousands really.  10 would have been sufficient.)

Boy did I have it wrong. I blogged for two full years in relative anonymity.  With only my family and friends as regular readers, I thrived on hearing them talk about something I wrote and telling me that it was had made them laugh. 

Apparently, this was enough to keep me writing for two years. (I went on a month long, self-imposed hiatus once.  It was about the same time Lindsay Lohan went into rehab and we know how both those stories turned out.)

Occasionally, someone would tell me, "Everyone in my mom's office reads your blog."  Or, "My cousin in Alberta loves your blog!"

Uh, okay.

I kept writing, patiently waiting for someone to read.  I became resigned to the fact that blogs seemed to be primarily about complaining about politicians or complaining about kids, or posting cute pictures of them.  (Kids, not politicians.)

Nevertheless, I loved the creative outlet blogging gave me.  I loved writing.  I loved making the people around me laugh.  I loved Neil Diamond, but that is irrelevant to this post.

I began to come to the conclusion that the only people that would read my blog would be my family, friends and some dude's mom's office staff in Scranton. (Hopefully I make Andy Bernard chuckle.)

Dateline: March 2010: I make a comment, an innocent comment, on a blog I ran across called "Time Flies." I don't know what led me to that blog or why I was even surfing around that night, but it was like fate.  Within a few days, Tammy, the author of this beloved blog, had featured something I wrote in one of her posts.

Suddenly, I had comments - lots of them - and they started flowing fast and furious.  (Much like the movie, but without the guys with blond highlight tips and Vin Diesel's greasy head.)

I had never blogged for comments, the most I had ever received was about ten, but I will not deny that it felt good to have complete strangers actually commenting on something I wrote.

It was sort of like when a stranger approaches you and tells you look like someone famous.  (Unless you look like Andy Dick, in which case, they are just telling you that you like Andy Dick.  I'm just saying, it's probably not a compliment, especially if you actually are Andy Dick.)

That was four months ago.  I haven't looked back since. It only took 2 1/2 years and 878 posts, but people actually read and enjoy the daffy crud I write on a daily basis.  I only hope you are all here to stay.  I know I am.

(Unless I die, in which case I hereby leave this blog in the capable hands of Andy Dick.)

**Photo is of my 4-year-old son at age 2. BEST... PHOTO... EVER!


  1. Well you have me hooked and I only found you a few days ago!

  2. I can tell you that people love funny. And you, my friend, deliver.

  3. You're right, that is the best photo ever.

    I'm glad you were blog hopping that night and found my blog so I could in return send millions to your blog. You know you have more followers than me now, right?

    Please don't die anytime soon. I think you have better stories than Andy Dick.

  4. oh, tammy is good to share the love!

    so cute. your little boy, that is.
    I thought for sure it was googled...but no---you got it all going on.
    even with the kids.

    you know you love reading my political rants!

  5. I think we've been leading parallel blogging lives in the sense that I didn't start getting regular comments for a long time either! Now it's like a sugar fix. Great post :)

  6. You deserve all the attention - your blog rocks and I'm here to stay (but sometimes I take breaks - don't take it personally). :)

  7. I can always count on you for a laugh! I'm so glad we found each other! (hugs) Next time you have an open question session I wanna know what your wife thinks about your bloggin' fame?

  8. You tapped into the vein of the mommy bloggers. It is hard to find. But when you do, it delivers!

    P.S. You had me at Neil Diamond!

  9. I enjoy my daily dose of cheese!

    I, too, blogged (on my food blog) for the last 18 months with a similar experience as yours. Duh, join a blog network? I had no idea they existed. I was writing for myself.

    It's fun to have someone besides an annoying relative read your stuff, though.

    You are so on the money with Andy Dick. he is 100 different kinds of wrong. Please bequeath this blog to someone else!

  10. Please avoid my blog today (I know, I know, that's so hard to do!) because it is one of those blogger-mommy picture heavy brag brag brag my kids are so beautiful and talented posts. I need to write more about Bret Michaels' bad hair extensions.

    But I am gonna feature you tomorrow on my pass the buck thing I do and I hope you get 30 new followers from it. Or 3. Don't get picky on me.

  11. I had the same experience, although not quite such a long time between starting and getting followers I didn't know lol.
    I absolutely LOVE your blog and I've been following, uh, a week?

  12. PS. Anything with the title "Cheese" will make me swoon ;)

  13. You and your sons are so cute, and your wife is so hot. In other words, I'm here to stay.

  14. My favorite college professor was named Andy Dick. He went by Andy.

    I love Neil Diamond too. Went to one of his concerts a few years concert ever!!!

    I guess I'll stick around. I have nothing better to do.

  15. I get the same thing, "My sister in Sweden reads your blog" or "My whole office read that post and we laughed so hard" but, still I'm just a little blog. Sometimes I want to pimp myself out to get heard more but then I panic.

    I love this blog and I love Niel Diamond. I think that's gotta be relevant somehow! ;)

  16. i think you are a blogger story. When I first ran into your blog just weeks ago I think you had about 75 followers and suddenly BOOM you have over'd that happen??? Pretty cool. DId your boy star in any 'Our Gang' comedies? Just kidden' he's a doll.

  17. I love your cheesy blog...and that cheesy photo of your precious little one.

  18. I hope you always remember that some of us were loving and enjoying your blog even before you became so famous :)

  19. Joann at Laundry Hurts My Feelings got me hooked on cheese (and wine), and I'm so glad she did :-). Keep up the good work!

  20. I've been here since before you hit 50 followers, that was like last week. :) You rock, I think I better go check out Tammy and leave some awesome comment so I can be blog famous like you...oh, and then I'd have to start being funny too. DANG IT!!!

  21. I am so happy you shared your blogging woes prior to you becoming famous! It actually amazed me that you only had a few followers for so long because, at first glance, I thought you were a pro when I first "met" you because you have all kinds of gadgets, etc. So glad you kept blogging away but I have no idea how you can teach AND do a do you juggle both without falling asleep at the computer? I don't teach now but if I were I wouldn't be able to blog due to stress, lack of time, etc.
    Read my blog post called "My blogging inspiration" and you'll find I had ZERO comments for awhile too!

  22. It's great to hear that after all your efforts the people came:I'm so glad that I came across your blog it's a pick me up. :)

  23. Neil Diamond should so pay you for the free ratings boost you just gave him!

  24. That is the best photo ever, and I love you telling your story.

    YOu remember it so well. How things change with just a turn of an event.

  25. YOu had me at "your URL" just sayin....

  26. I think it just proves that great blogs will eventually be found by great followers :) Your blog is really funny; in fact, I blame you for keeping me up past my bedtime last night (I went throught the entire list of "Best of" from both 2009 and 2008).

    Keep up the good work! (And yes - BEST picture EVER!)

  27. Damn. Andy Dick was going to be my backup.

    Do you know what? I'll just have to make sure I go first.

    Time to take up smoking, sunbathing, tanning beds and potato chips and cheese for every meal.

  28. I just discovered you recently and I love your writing. Keep up the good work! And thanks for gracing my blog with your comments. You are a friendly reciprocator too.

  29. I love my visit here. Even though, I never eat Cheese, I pretend to have eaten it here. Sorry, that doesn't make sense.
    Anyway, that's a cute picture...:)

  30. Just took a while for others to appreciate your humor!
    And no one wants to look like Andy Dick. The name says it all.

  31. I know! Don't you hate the "Everybody in the entire company reads your blog." Really? Cause I wouldn't know.

    So, people might get sent over here, but it's you Cheeseboy with your cheese, that keeps em comin' back.

    And just so you know, if Andy Dick takes over, I won't be hanging out here any more. No offense, but he's just a big Andy Dick.

  32. It is encouraging to read your blogistory. I write cuz I love too, but a comment, or knowing someone "out there," other than MOM, enjoys what I have to say feels good, but scarce. Perserverance and staying true to your art has paid off in "comment currency." I really get a kick out of reading your blog!

  33. I won't read this if Andy Dick writes it. So don't die yet.

  34. Somehow, someway I got snookered in thinking you had a teaching blog. Boy was I confused! I stayed because blog o'cheese is like a bad habit...I don't know why I read it, but I just can't stop. ;)

  35. I adore the fact that that is your kid! Awesome pic. Easily best ever!

    Plus I once had the experience of my blog being flogged by someone much popular'er than I. And dear old suger coat it, then 4 months old, went from 25 to 55 followers in a week. I nearly died.

    My point..?! Umm you're cool. Bye.

  36. I am sooooo glad I found ya!!!! And YES that IS the best picture EVA!!!!

  37. What the crap does a girl gotta do to get the Blog o Cheese to recognize?

  38. I'm happy to have been directed over here.

    Comments on posts I write make me smile a little on the inside. Especially when someone is on the same page & just gets it.

  39. Comments are really nice, a validation that people got what you wrote, or at least read it.

    But really, you get all these comments because you write some amazing and funny pieces. It's always a treat here at the blog o' cheese!

    Blog epidural, brilliant.

  40. Isn't this blog world nuts? I've been in it for less than a year, but I've managed to have a few of those 'holy crap, where did these people come from' moments and they are incredible. STRANGE though, is when a parent of one of your kids' friends say, 'oh, I read your blog. You're hysterical.' and I suddenly feel like I'm not only naked on line (which I was aware of) but in real life (which hadn't quite occurred to me)

  41. I LOVE Neil Diamond too!!!!! His concerts are the best.

  42. Love the blog history RECAP! I just found you left a comment on my friend Serene's blog and I loved your handle. I mean WHO ELSE has a handle like Cheeseboy? It is AWESOME. YOu stand out.

    I sure hope you like cheese. :)

    Keep being funny and all that, and I will keep reading ya.

    Do YOU have a twitter account?
    Everyone who is everyone has a twitter. :)

  43. The day I met Tammy, my life changed forever. And that is a good thing.

    You do owe it all to her. She is a blogstar. And yes, that is a word.

  44. Your post is making me want break into a chorus of "Sweet Caroline."

    Please don't leave your blog to him, or we will all end up in rehab.

    Have a good one.

  45. I just came over because of your name, "Cheeseboy", piqued my interest and it's also the nickname of our son, who eats cheese like it's going out of style.

    Also, your little avatar cracked me up.

    And I really wanted to see that video of you in the back of Burt's pick up truck.

    And your sense of humor blends right in with my family's....

    Want me to go on??

  46. Yep, you're very loved here in the blogosphere!

  47. I didn't know you could opt for a blog epidural...

    That's it! I'm firing Dr. Blogger, right after he removes my appendix (located in the privacy settings, just the below glutton for punishment and use stale jokes tabs)

  48. I love your blog.

  49. Your blog is terrific-thanks for sharing. I didn't realize your fame was just this March! Take me with you Cheese-boy! Let's ride this gravy train all the way to the top. Wherever that is...:)

  50. My eyes light up when I see a new post by Blog O' Cheese. I look forward to visiting. You are always good for chuckle or two! I don't think your readers will ever leave you Cheese Boy! Now, the pressure is on to keep it up!

    p.s. I LOVE that photo of your son at 2!

  51. We all blog to have people read what we write. I think we all believe that we have something worth reading.

    Thanks for stumbling across my blog. I feel like I have a friend in lower grades…one who'd stand up for me on the playground if needed.

    Rock on, Abe.

  52. If you didn't love Neil Diamond I would probably stop following, it's Un-American and I am very American. Agreed on the pic, too funny!

  53. That picture is ADORABLE!
    I think that so many people are looking for humor. They just want something real and funny to brighten their day.
    And, yeah, nobody can find you or know you're there unless you go out and comment. :)

  54. Thanks for reminding me why I write. I've been considering letting my blog lapse, but this reminds me of the good.

  55. i've gotta tell you i'm jealous that your family and friends read your blog, none of mine do.

    i regret having deleted my first blogpsot blog created back in 2002. i panicked and deleted it all. i was hip since that was exactly 8 years ago!

  56. oh my goodness, if that's your little boy he is the cutest thing i EVER DID SEE :)

    i'm glad your such a big blogger, don't leave us! i love your stinkin hilarious stories and posts

  57. Dear Mr. Cheese -

    I just read a comment you left on another blog: Your kids know My Life Would Suck Without You and not Love at Home? I don't think that makes you a failure as a dad...I think that makes you an awesome dad! :) Just sayin'...

  58. plenty of comments on this one - I need to check this Tammy person.

    cute pictures of politicians - now that's an idea but a hard one to do.

  59. You just had to throw in 878 posts, didn't you?

    I come here for the cheese.

    I'm still waiting for my cheese.

  60. It is so nice to have complete strangers give you validation. But seriously your blog is great and special since you are gasp a male blogger :)

  61. Yup, he looks like a cheese head, for sure! And it is the best picture ever!

  62. are the blogging world's best kept secret :) Not a secret anymore-if I were you, I would ride this one all the way to the bank!

  63. So that's the story of your quasi- meteoric rise to blog celebrity status, eh? Very cool. I don't care how long it takes, the cream always rises to the top. Or the cheese in your case.

    You have an awesome blog! Keep up the good work Cheeseboy!

  64. You're wonderful to share these tips :) Thank you.

  65. Hmm. Maybe that initial conversation you had with Cathi about "a new little one" explains why she hasn't had another baby yet! March 2008, that means it's been two years now...time to get working on that!

  66. I was so excited when you came by my blog and actually became a was like....OMG, I have a male follower (yes, you were my first).I told my hubs all about it.

    Then I went over and read few of your posts....thank you for coming by cause I love coming over for good laugh everyday.

  67. Best. Blog History. Ever! :)

    But where in the world did that name "Blog o' Cheese" come from? Cheesy humor?

  68. Hey, any blogger that reports from a dumpster deserves to hit it big in the blogosphere.

  69. Maybe you should feature cute baby pictures of politicians on your blog. Oh, I think you would really blow up then? Don't you? Baby Nixon could be your first. Oh and you could follow that with Mikhail Gorbachev. Think of all the possibilities! I'm really excited about this. I can't wait to see where you go with this new feature I'm forcing upon your blog.

  70. I was ready to fall in love with your blog until you said Vin Diesel's head was greasy. That statement hurt my heart.

    Since I know you are sorry (because I am a master at juicing guilt out of people) I'll forgive you and fall in love with your blog anyway :) Congrats on your success!

  71. I've really enjoyed your blogging stories - teachers have some good ones!!! That picture of your son is so cute it hurts! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the laughs!

  72. 72 comments? Geez man. And in the short time I've been reading your blog you've gone from around 50 followers to over 200!

    That, my friend, is greatness.

  73. You do make me laugh, Cheese Boy! Have you ever written a blog post about how you named your blog? I would love to hear it sometime!

  74. WOW! Totally cool! :D Now hopefully you can keep up with it all! ;) PS Cute baby!!!


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