Sunday, May 30, 2010

Saturday Graph (On Sunday) - The Only Time in Which I Don't Mind Listening to a live Reggae Band

Howdy everyone.  It's difficult for me to follow my last post - which seems to be the king of all posts - but I'll try anyway.  I apologize - Saturday's graph is a day late, but at least it's here.


  1. Hehehe, if you ever go on a cruise, they have a Reggae Band that plays 24/7. Or at least the last one I was on did!

  2. Why am I not surprised by the fruity drink?

  3. Awesome graph!
    Hey, there were some dad bloggers there at the CBC conference. I say next year you go to the blogger conference. it would be great to meet you IRL.
    Think bout it, K?

    in the meanttime, Happy BLogging!

  4. My boyfriend and I go dancing to live reggae bands in the summer. Do you and your wife dance??? Also, I find some of my students really dig the Jamaican sound. It can help them chill out and many of them need that, especially now that the final weeks of school are happening!

  5. Give me a fruity drink and I'll listen to anything! Correction: a fruity drink with alcohol in it.

  6. after living in HI for 3 years, I LOVE can't frown while listening to it :o)

  7. You also can't keep your feet from tappin' to it! Love me some Bob Marley anytime (especially with a cold Red Stripe! Yum)!

  8. Venn diagram (unsure of spelling)?

    We just did our 'student led conference" with our first grader. This is where he goes over samples of his work in all subjects with Mom and Dad. Boy whips out a piece of paper, and says, "here's my Venn diagram about iguanas and elephants."

    My husband and I looked at each other, stupefied.

    I agree with your graph, pretty much. spot on!

  9. Very much in agreement with you! :)

  10. Ahh, the tri-fecta of relaxin' mon! Let's get together and feel all right.

  11. No worries, ma'an..that intersect involves the only 3 conditions under which you would likely hear a live reggae band. Be happy!

  12. Let me tell ya, the preschoolers and I have a geat song we jam to with maracas that has a super cool Jamaican beat. It's called "We like bugs"

    Now if I could have a fruity drink to go with it.....Yah Mon

  13. Haha! the greatest use of a chart that I've ever seen!

    You teachers, so clever.

  14. Sorry to sound like a broken recoird but have to agree

  15. Does a fruity drink include Grapefruit because it is kind of sour and I think the implication here is that the your drink is rather sweet? Also I really could not find anywhere on the graph when it would be ok to watch the movie 'Cool Runnings'? Sorry, I'm kind of new to blogging so I need a lot of 'steel drum' holding. W.C.C.

  16. I love a good Venn Diagram.

    When I get my act together, I will be putting a Venn Diagram in an upcoming post.

    You know, to help the slow readers.

  17. Ugh! I hate Reggae, no matter how many fruity drinks I've had, lol!

  18. And truer words were never written!
    I'm over from kludgymom's to say hello - your blog name intrigued me :)

    Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

  19. Replace the reggae with any Hawaiian slack-key guitar, and I am there.

  20. PS: You will have an award from me after 4pm today (it's a scheduled post, lol!)

  21. *giggling* I would fall into the place where any TWO of those overlap--I don't need the third. Probably I really only need the fruity drink.

    I have a Reggae story, and I have a Venne diagram story. Which do you want? *snort*

    Kidding-I won't subject you, but I am definitely a number geek, so I love Venne diagrams.

  22. Truer words were never spoken...same here. LOL There's just something about reggae music when you're lounging on a beach with a fruity drink. Mmmmm...

  23. Does it have to be a specific fruity drink? And can it be the first one of the day, or is it better if it's the third or fourth?

  24. Whoa whoa whoa.... What about a little Matisyahu? Is he still relevant?

  25. Man, I love me some Venn diagram humor. :)

  26. I'm afraid that the wedge of my "allowable reggae time" would be much smaller. :)

  27. Cheeseboy, I just watched Bohemian Rhapsody and Should I Stay or Should I Go sung by a very large passel of first graders, and it's the greatest damn thing I've seen in absolute years.

    I'm still grinning. Thanks!!


    p.s. I added you to my blogroll.

  28. I love how exact you are pin-pointing the exact moments in time where you would listen to Reggae. There is no worries figuring this out...brilliant :0)

  29. Venn diagrams make me go cross eyed. And when I read this Green Eggs and Hamm started playing in my head. Thanx ever so much.

    So here is mine--would you like them in a truck?
    Would you like them with a shmuck?
    Burt doesn't rhyme with truck.
    Maybe thats where the fruity drink comes in....


    my (not so) secret nerd is very happy with this post :)

  31. I concur, minus the fruity drink, bleh. Beer or non-fruity flavored margarita? I'm there

  32. Were we separated at birth? Seriously, I could have posted this.


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