Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm going bowling. (NOT Wii)

I'm going bowling tonight.

Yep, bowling. Reminds me of this great Gaffigan stand up bit:

Gaffigan is the greatest man alive.


  1. Love him. We saw him in NYC in this tiny little comedy club. It was awesome.

  2. I heard the Hot Pockets for the first time, and knew that Gaffigan would hold a very special place in my iTunes stand-up comedy listings. And it does, yea and verily, to this day. Also, I cannot bowl. But I am rather brilliant at the Wii bowling. Look out, Olympics.

  3. That was very funny. How'd you do, and did you wear some cool red-white shoes? Thanks for the comment. You're one of my favorites too! No worries about posts with Sarah and the tea party. The world's had enough.

  4. I so love Jim Gaffigan!! How had I need seen the bowling bit yet?! Thank you for enlightening me!

  5. Funny post! :) Hey Cheeto ... looks like you're beating me in the race to 100! Quit that! :)

  6. No one is jealous when I go bowling? Guess I'll stop with the Facebook posts about it then.

    Love Jim. He is a funny man.

  7. So do you sweat when you bowl? What color is your purse? ;)

  8. My hubs LOVES bowling. He had his balls professionally drilled and stuff. How ya like the sounds of that?

  9. Thanks everyone for the comments. I scored 134. I accidentally used a 16 pound ball the first frame and about threw my arm out. My boys used the bumpers, but I did not.

    @ Copyboy - Is there a better word for funny than "hilarious"? I can't think of one, but that is what Jim is.

    @ Kristina - I've seen him as well, but in SLC at the U. Tiny little club in NYC sounds so much cooler though.

    @ Lindzena - Hoooot pocket.

    @ Rawkn - No, I used blue shoes. They were all blue I think.

    @ Queenie - Thanks. It took a lot of courage to post it.

    @ Pedaling - The only thing I disagree with was nothing.

    @ Melinda - If you haven't seen the bowling bit, you haven't seen Beyond the Pale. Netflix it... you won't be sorry.

    @ Beth - Yeah, had a sudden unexpected spurt. Almost there!

    @ Tammy - Ha! At least you don't have your scores automatically posted to the facebook feed like one of my loser facebook friends does. And he bowls like 4 times a week.

    @ Nerdy - I sweat all the time. I am sweating while typing right now. No bowling purse, but my regular purse is canary yellow.

    @ MiMi - Sounds like your husband and I should go bowling sometime. Did I mention I scored 134?!

  10. He is quite the laugh riot…I like Brian Regan just a bit more, but this guy makes me smile every single time.

  11. mr. cheese -

    thought you might be interested in this post- cuz you hear and talk to kids so much-- you might think it funny.



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