Friday, December 18, 2009

Best First Grade Christmas Program EVER!

My thanks to Scott for the video. Here it is, what you all have been waiting for, me as Grandma, Bruce AND Marky Mark (with the Funky Bunch behind me)


  1. Well Abe, I believe this is your best performance yet. 3 characters in one! It seems like the kids have lots of fun and will probably always remember you as their coolest teacher!

  2. I vote this is my favorite post ever! Hilarious!

    I think you've missed your calling in life. If they ever remake The Golden'll have to give Hollywood a shot!

    In all our years of school, I've never seen such a fun teacher as you! Maybe you haven't missed your're right where you should be!

  3. Yeah Jake... and there is MORE in this program that I didn't even post. There were even more hilarious moments. Perhaps I will post them soon. You HAVE to see this one song we did. It had many of the parents crying they were laughing so hard.

    Yeah Lori, you could pretty much say that I am much beloved. But I am not going to brag or anything...

  4. Agreed - that was the best 1st grade Christmas program ever! Hopefully someone has a decent clip of the other song that I didn't get; it was a hoot.

  5. Hilarious Abe! And I agree with Lori that this is truly your calling in life!

  6. Well Abe! Kristi and I are here at Blade Works and I remembered I needed to look at this! HILARIOUS!!! We love it! You have honestly got to be the funnest (is that a word?? Come on teach me!) or most fun teacher ever! The students are soooo lucky to have you a part of their childhood!

  7. hey its brandon,
    your a pretty sick wangster (white gangster for ye olde folk). but everyone knows the clock is so 2005. gotta keep up abe its all about grillz and brass knuckles now.

  8. Thank you everyone for your nice comments. This was really fun and I already have some great ideas for next year's program.

    Brandon, I actually got the clock idea from Flava Flav, a rapper from when I was your age... so that goes back way before '05.

    I will try and get that other hilarious song we did posted soon.

  9. Abe, you kill me man. That was like 10X better han my 1st grade program. Can I borrow the grandma outfit for Burning Man? Seriously?


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