Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday Graph: My Son Calder's Annoyance Cycle (AKA - The past week of my life watching my two adorable neices)


  1. Hmmm. I wonder what Lori's going to think when she sees this chart :) ?

  2. Hey, I called her girls adorable (which they are). She should have no complaints.

  3. That's true Abe. I was thinking more about when she reads that Calder pushed them and screamed at them and they cried. But I just re-read it and realized it was COUSIN who screamed and Calder only squealed.

    P.S. You're a school teacher of gifted children. Don't you know the saying "i before e except after c"?

  4. Well, really to be truthful Tammy, the shoving and crying and screaming went both ways between them. They are both just too much alike and if they are together for more than two hours, they just do not get along.

    What did I spell wrong?

  5. Oh, I see it now. Yeah, I knew how to spell it, it was just a typo.

  6. I'll tell you what Lori thinks...ha, ha, ha! This post could not be more true. We go through this with Brookie and Maddie like 36 times a day.

    I hate to sound like a mother who doesn't care...but, it Calder pushed or screamed at Brookie, I'm pretty sure she probably had it coming. :)


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