Monday, October 5, 2009

Dearest Blog O' Cheese readers...

Dear Cheese Blog Enthusiasts,

I hereby decree that the Blog O' Cheese shall not be updated for a period of one month. The reasons are thrice:

1. I feel that the blogging quality has severely lacked recently. I mean, I wrote 6 paragraphs on my jammie pants for heaven's sake! I need some time to recharge creatively.

2. I am spending way too much time online. I also want to see if I will miss blogging. I feel like it is going to be a sacrifice and very difficult for me to do - but I feel that I must do it.

3. I want to rethink why I am blogging. What is it that I am after? I enjoy entertaining, but perhaps I should be using my writing differently?

Well, one more...

4. Going along with the above... I want to work on some other projects. I want to see if they are as satisfying.

Thus, I shall return on November 5, 2009 and I will describe in detail the future of the blog (if there is a future).

Your comments will be taken into account, so please express your thoughts and feelings about the cheese blog in the comments.

Until November 5...



  1. You can't possibly be serious???? Maybe what you should do is take a little break and let CATHI try blogging :). She can turn your blog o'cheese into a mommy type blog. Then you'll want to come back!

  2. Or Abe maybe it's the time of year. In case you haven't noticed I have nothing to blog about either which is how I ended up doing a post on socks.

  3. Abe. I think your blog is great! I just don't have time or will to ready daily. I think a bi-weekly installment would do the trick. This would help you to not have to rack your brains as much for something to write about.

  4. I like your blog. Taking a vaca is always nice, though, but a month? What will the soffe's do without our Cheese fix?

  5. I am very sad!!!!!!!! But luckily we hang out. But it is always good to take a break and recharge.

  6. Are you saying that the Cheese has gone moldy? Good luck with your re-focus and enjoy your free time. Maybe you should keep a seperate blog about all goals and great projects you were able to accomplish with you time not blogging. A blog about what can be done not blogging. -Jake

  7. Abraham Yoske... good luck with your recharge... but come on man.. your a blogger!!...Thats what you do.. Sounds like you just need to pace yourself. Anyways, you'll always have a fan here if you continue.

  8. I am feeling the same as the others, continue the blog but maybe just write less. Maybe do 1 post a week and you will not feel like you are running out of things to say. Besides, Hannah really likes looking at it :)

  9. Now I can't mess with your surveys anymore. :( This makes me very sad!

  10. Here's one vote for your return. Understand the hiatus. I took two years off after a heady two posts. Enjoy the break and good luck with the projects.

  11. NO! I think you are right!
    You are wasting your talents on this blog when you should be out there doing stand up. I'm serious! (Well, you're not really wasting your talents, because you are entertaining US, but your talent is for the WORLD.)

    I will never forget your missionary farewell where the whole audience was trying to stifle their laughter through your whole talk--after all, it was in church. We Atkinsons on the back row (or was it the overflow) were not stifling. We were making a scene.

    Now this comment is entirely unselfish because if you go stand up, I won't be able to benefit from it one whit--that is, unless you take over for Letterman. That job might be in the offing.

  12. I look forward to your blogs. There are things about you I never knew and you post great pictures of Link and Calder that I capture and put on my computer at work. Please reconsider. I think you should shout out for topics and subject to blog about. Or I think you should continue the "letters from a nut" campaign.

  13. I am suspicious. Did you really get put into the bishopric? This would explain lack of time.

  14. Okay, to answer questions...

    Erica, had I known Hannah was reading the blog, I would have perhaps edited a bit more. Although, I am hoping she is just looking for pics of Lincoln so someday they may marry.

    Mike... so it was you.

    Scott - I feel badly to inspire you to blog and then take a brake.

    Aunt Margaret - thank you. And yes, I am taking this time to write some stand up. I may even try it sometime. (I really am doing this)

    Cara Dee - No, not in the bishopbric. Ha ha!

    Dad - thank you.

  15. Whhhhhaaaaaat!?!? 1 month of absence? I think after a week you will realize your weak and lonely state and how much you miss the "blogging world". However, work on your other projects and enjoy them!

  16. Why not invite a few guest bloggers to fill in, in your absense?

  17. What the what?!

    I really do think that you are talented and need to show the world, but I also like being selfish and reading your posts every day-ish and I don't have to go somewhere to hear it.

    I haven't read your pajama post yet but I'm sure it's just splendid like all the others.

  18. OK, now I'm embarassed! I, myself, have also had stuggles with blogging lately. And, I'm ashamed to admit this, but this is the first time I have viewed your blog since returning from our vacation.

    However, the vacation did remotivate me a little bit to start blogging more consistently. I guess the conclusion I come to from this is....take a trip to Hawaii and then see what happens.

    Hey, I'll even watch your kids for you! :)

  19. I'm so sad, I finally got time to read your blog and you are on the outs for a looooong time! Bummer! By the way, the Burton's thought you HAD been put into the bishopric due to a past blog! Perhaps....we shall see!

  20. I hope you are not taking to long of a break. I love your blog! it is hilarious. Almost as good as your moth joke


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