Thursday, August 13, 2009

Project Bathroom: COMPLETE (almost)

My thanks to my dad, Jerry, Ike, Jordan and Jacob for your help. Oh, also the entire cast of The View for forcing me to get off the couch in the mornings and actually do something.


  1. FABULOUS JOB Abe!!!! It looks so nice!! I've always wanted the fixtures you put in but they are too much money :) I can't wait to see it in person!

  2. Congratulations for accomplishing such a large project on your summer vacation! It looks great!

  3. Abe, the bathroom looks AWESOME! Very impressive work on all that tile. Next time we need a bathroom remodeled...I know who we'll call! :)

  4. Great job!! I love the colors. I bet Cathi is thrilled to have it done.


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