Tuesday, June 2, 2009

UPDATE: Cheeseoy's letter to Mrs. Fields

Just got my first email back on the case:

Dear Mr. Jospe,

Thank you for taking the time to e-mail our Customer Service Department with your comments about Mrs. Fields Cookies.

I will be sure to forward your suggestion along to our Marketing Department for their consideration.

Our motto here at Mrs. Fields Famous Brands is: “Good enough never is,” which reflects our commitment to quality and customer service.

If you have any further comments or questions about Mrs. Fields Cookies, please feel free to contact us again through our Web site at www.mrsfields.com.

Thank you for contacting Mrs. Fields Cookies on-line.

Robert S.
Retail Customer Service
Mrs. Fields Cookies

I'll continue to keep you abreast of the situation.


  1. The only other "Yospe" in this whole world that I know was my Jewish studies teacher at BYU-Jerusalem. And he was Dr. Jospe with a "J"-Completely unrelated.

  2. Traci - was there really a Jewish teacher there with the last name Jospe? Wow!

  3. Brandon totally knows that guy.

  4. the guy who sent you the reply, not Prof Jospe.


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