Sunday, May 3, 2009

Song of the Day: John Schmidt - Love Story (Taylor Swift) meets Viva La Vida (Coldplay)

I thought I would try to get this posted on my blog before it pops up on blogs everywhere around the United Utah of America. I am not a fan of "Love Story", but to hear John Schmidt play "Viva La Vida" is pretty cool. The transition between the two songs is pretty cool too. I used to Home Teach John, so I feel like I owe him this free publicity. Plus, I know I have a ton of MoMom readers that worship the man. Enjoy!


  1. Sorry Abe but I've already seen this weeks ago. I love it though!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yep. Seen it.

    We once saw Jon Schmidt perform Pachelbel Meets U2. The song is great...but at the live performance there was this great vocalist singing the U2 song. It was the highlight of the concert!

  4. Haven't seen it yet. Glad I did see it on the Blog O'Cheese. If only I could jam like John... seriously. He stood in the "talent line" way too long.


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