Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Something to give to my audience on the next episode of "Cheeseboy's Favorite Things".

Somebody at school brought these in today and I have to admit that I was more than a bit leery. I had tried the "Flaming Hot Cheetos" and they were downright disgusting.  These on the other hand were delicious.  I had four servings - that's 650 calories of pure cheddar bliss.  But, ZERO grams of trans fat because I am on a diet.


  1. Abe you better be careful because Punky Brewster claims that Cheetos help you grow boobs...That is what she told Henry

  2. Are you kidding Jake? How do you and Ike remember this crap from bad 80's sitcoms?

  3. No I am not kidding- Punky was a little behind the other girls in her boob growth, and was jealous. So she decided to eat a lot of Cheetos to catch up. She really wanted a new bra, like the other girls. Someone told her that Cheetos would do the trick!

  4. Haven't tried these. But, if they help your boobs grow...maybe I'll pick some up tomorrow! :)

  5. Ummm, Lori...are you sure? I think you'd have a hard time keeping your balance. 80% of your weight would be distributed on the top third of your body.

  6. This conversation has gotten way too funny. The funny thing about this is that I distinctly remember the actress that played Punky, Selai Moon Fry, or whatever the heck her name was, had breast reduction surgery when she got older because her boobs were too big. Perhaps one too many Cheetos?

  7. If Cheetos helps your boobs grow then Hostess cupcakes do too!


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