Monday, March 23, 2009

A Lincoln & Calder original duet - "Called To Serve"

Be sure to stay tuned to the very end for Calder's Grand Finale!


  1. very cute! Lincoln has always been a great singer--and Calder is following right along...

  2. Wow! We need to start teaching Luke more songs, I'm amazed how well Calder knows the words.

    Way cute.

  3. You don't publish the results of your polls. Who won the arm wrestling one?

  4. Jordan, I drop them off when there is a day left, but I am pretty sure you won that one. I think Jake won the one for the fastest runner. Perhaps we should just have a competition next Sunday?

  5. Love it!!! I know I've said it before, but that is the one memory I will ALWAYS have of Lincoln...he could carry a tune before he could even say the words. So cute!


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