Saturday, March 14, 2009

Cheeseboy's Disneyland Top Moneymaking Schemes


  1. you need to have a check box that says "astounding"! This post does not fit any of the categories--maybe "rip-off" would be appropriate. Disney is still fun, however--in spite of the rip offs.

  2. Is it really $25 for a picture on Splash Mountain? I didn't check prices at Disney but at Sea World they wanted $18 for the one they take of your family at the entrance!

    Maybe you need a box that says "Hmmmm"

  3. I've been thinking of adding more boxes but I think it might be overkill. Lori, I just made up those numbers, but I am guessing they are very close to the real things.

  4. Abe, does that look like me in that picture above? Maybe we need to have more family parties...because it's been a LONG time since I've had blond hair. Just kidding...I'm giving you a hard time over your last comment.

    This post, so true.


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