Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Motivational posters, courtesy of Utah football.

I promised a friend of mine that I would post these for he, and the world, to enjoy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. These are trying just a little too hard for me to think they're funny. Like it was bad execution of a good idea.

    Dunno, maybe it's just me?

  3. Yeah Ike, a friend sent them to me and I promised I would blog them.

  4. I'm shocked that you aren't blogging that today is Lincoln's birthday!?! How else are we supposed to tell him Happy Birthday :)

  5. Tammy, I have tried here at work, but I can't get the pictures to post... when I get home.

  6. All I can say Cheeseboy is go UTES!!!!! I have one of these bad boys up on my screensaver at work!!! TY
    PS I am working on that whole break dancing thing;)

  7. Thanks Ty - and you might want to work on being able to tell the sex of dogs too.


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