Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Cheeseboy special contest. Today only!

Hey everybody - As a special thanks to those that read my blog during their down time at work (or home), I would like to offer a special contest.  

A Cheeseboy branded prize to the first person that responds correctly in the comments:

During the 80's in Utah, where was the best place to get a pair of Tony Lama boots?


  1. Sorry anon - good answer, but not the one I was looking for. Try again.

  2. Nice try Jordan, but wrong. Funny, but wrong.

  3. Hmm. I thought Reams too. Then I thought maybe Cathi had a pair. I guess I'll go with Nordstroms??

  4. I didn't really grow up here in the 80's, but I was going to say Ream's too. What a reputation it has!

  5. Sorry guys, not Reams, Nordstroms or Allied. Come on! Nobody remembers these commercials but me?! Hint: Come on down and get your free pair of Tony Lama boots with any ________ purchase.

    If no one gets it, I will post the answer at 9:30 PM MST.

  6. STEVE WINS!!! WAGSTAFF TOYOTA! Way to go Steve. I save you your choice of prize from the First Grade prize bucket. Either the glow sticks or the silly putty - what would you like?

  7. Abe
    The guys name who promoted the boots was T-Buff. Do I get a prize from the first grade bucket because I knew his name? If not I'm going to protest your contests!

  8. Oh yeah, you need to tell them T-buff sent you! If you wanted tony Lama boots!

  9. I'm going to have to disagree here, Abe. You specifically asked where was the "best" place to get a pair of Tony Lama boots... I don't think that if you have to buy a car to get a pair of boots that that is the "best" place to get them!


  10. Wow Mike, that is some completely useless (until now) knowledge that you had of Wagstaff Toyota. T-buff shall go down in infamy. And you are right Brandi, the question was very misleading. I apologize, but honestly, would you have gotten it if I had rephrased it anyway?

  11. I don't remember that commercial AT ALL. You actually remember it...and my husband remembers the guy who was in it? You two are weird!

  12. You still didn't tell me if I win a prize for all the useless information from commercials in the late 70's.

  13. I agree with Brandi. You must phrase the question so we all understand ;P

  14. Honestly, no, I wouldn't have gotten it... but I do remember the commercial. Too funny.


  15. I'll take the Silly Putty. And for all you whiners, the question was fine.


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