Thursday, September 25, 2008

My embarrassing trip to Walmart and why you should always just go through the self checkout lane.

Did the teller really have to type in the last line?  That was a little unnecessary don't you think?


  1. I have been laughing and laughing and laughing! Thoughm, I do think this checker was WAY out of line. You should report him/her to someone! I know you think it is not worth the effort! How do they get comments on there anyway?

  2. Mom, mom, mom. I hope you are joking. I made up that receipt myself as a joke on a website. I am not sure if you are joking, but either way it is hilarious!

  3. HA HA Funny!! I probably would have thought you were serious too if I wouldn't have noticed the web address :).

  4. You should crop that "" thing off the bottom to make it more believable!

  5. Good idea Jordan! It has been done.

  6. BTW, that's an amazing deal on parachute pants. GTK. I've been looking for a pair!


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