Thursday, August 14, 2008

The only band aid I could find at our house today.


  1. Blogging injury? You gonna be sidelined for a while?

  2. Haha. Hi Steve! No, just a lawn mowing blister on my super soft hands.

  3. Oh...sorry Abe! I feel totally responsible! Oh well, look at it as a career move....those first graders LOVE band-aids like that...and you DO want to be their FAVORITE teacher don't you...???

  4. Haha,yes Lori this ouwie has totally ruined my life. No, I enjoy mowing lawns. I'll do it anytime.

  5. Gosh Abe, I should have left you one of the only bandaids I could find at my house . . . disney princess from when we had Elizabeth :). Alex had to wear them yesterday on his toe and I had spares in the car. Maybe next time.


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