Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Song of the Day - Rogue Wave - Chicago X 12

OK, youtube won't allow me to embed this video, so here is the link.  It is a pretty funny video, but the song is just genius.

These guys are superb.  They were supposed to open for Death Cab about a month ago at Thanksgiving Point, but they canceled.  I was so bummed.  I would have been even more bummed if I would have had tickets.


  1. We saw them about 3 years ago at Kilby Court, which means we were about 4 feet away from their faces. I'm excited to see them again next month in Chicago. - we'll have to make our own little bootleg of the festival and share it with you.


  2. Abe...do you like the group Cold Play? I have 2 extra tickets to their concert if you want to buy them.

  3. Man Tim -that is crazy! What is more crazy is that they actually played at Kilby Court??? Sounds like there will be tons of good bands in Chicago.

    Lori - I love Coldplay. Talking Cathi into allowing me to buy the tickets will be the tricky part. Maybe I can do dishes for you for awhile or something? Or maybe I could take Brandon for you? I would be happy to do that for free.

    Oh, and the concert is the same night as the BYU/Utah game... but it should not be a conflict because the game should long be over by the time it starts.

  4. Oh, sorry Abe....I sold my extra tickets. I was SO looking forward to a new "dishwasher" too! If Brandon ends up friendless on the night of the concert...I'll keep you in mind!


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