Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Grooming question -

Where should I trim my toe nails?  No matter where I trim them, they seem to fly all over and Cathi finds them.  I have tried the bathtub, the laundry room and on our bedspread.  I always clean up all the clippings I can find.  However, she always finds the one I missed and she is always disgusted and frustrated.  I have resigned myself to cutting my toenails outside in the garden.  (Hmm, are snails attracted to toenails?)  

Does anyone have a method of cutting toenails without having the clippings fly everywhere?  It is fine for me in the summer, but I have come close to getting frostbite in the winter. 

If no one has a method, that is one invention that is certainly worth investigating.  I will have to include it on my list of stuff to invent before I die.  I will get to it right after I finish my golden bookshelf.  Now where did I put my hammer?


  1. Have you tried sticking your foot down into the toilet bowl? I've found that if I insert my foot properly, I experience a very minute percentage of escapee clippings. Then it's super easy to just flush them away after.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How far down do you go Steve? Do you place your entire foot in the bowl?

  4. Abe flying toenail clippings are not to be taken lightly. Do you remember I used to work for an eye doctor? An 18 yr old girl came in with a SCRATCH on her cornea. Can you guess how she got it? CLIPPING her boyfriend's toenails and one flew up and caught her right in the eyeball! So good luck finding somewhere to clip them. Maybe your neighbors garden at night :).

  5. So, where does Cathi clip her toe nails. I would try doing it there so she might not tell the difference! Or--you could file them. I think toenail sawdust would be less disgusting--or maybe you could trim them in the bath tub and let the clippings go down the drain. Why not try sweeping?

  6. Wait! A girl was clipping her boyfriend's toe nails? Gross!
    Abe, why not try clipping them with your hands and foot in a plastic (see through) bag. Then they would all be ready to throw away.

  7. Esther - you're brilliant! I am going to try that next time.

  8. This is only one of the reasons why I chew mine off.


  9. Gross Tim. Lincoln actually does that. I might do that but I just can't seem to get my legs to bend that way.

  10. This seems to be a disgusting post with disgusting comments! Ewww.

    I agree Esther's idea is brilliant and I'm going to suggest that to my husband! Maybe it's only boy's (or I guess I mean men's) toenails that fly. I'm sure I've never seen one of mine lying around somewhere.

    And yes, Esther, it was a dumb girlfriend clipping her boyfriend's toenails and that was the first thing I thought at the time - why???


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