Tuesday, July 22, 2008

80's commercials I loved to hate.

Do you remember some of the old 80's commercials that were played EVERY SATURDAY morning during the cartoons?  You know, the ones that were played during every single commercial break.  You had seen them so many times that they were permanently engrained into your skull.  If you were to put me on a flat table, cut open my skull and look inside my brain, a handful of 80's commercials would probably fall all over the floor.

Here are a couple that I can still recite every word to:

And... Whatever happened to Smurfberry Crunch?  I thought it was fun to eat and a smurfy, fruity breakfast treat.  

I miss seeing this guy every week:

I think I must have seen this commercial over 5,000 times.  (I watched a lot of TV.)  That wise Mr. Owl, he is always a hoot. 

Let us not forget the most important breakthrough ever in  the history of toothpaste dispensers and the predecessor of the Rebok pump - The Colgate Pump!  I remember begging my mom to buy the pump toothpaste, but alas, at an extra $2.00 per bottle, it was not happening.  Oh well, the commercials still made it look really swell:


  1. "Show 'em you're a tiger. Show 'em what you can do. The taste of Kellogg's Frosted Flakes.....brings out the Tiger in you! (and you!)"

  2. "Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer wiener. That is what I'd truly like to be. 'cause if I were an Oscar Meyer wiener. Everyone would be in love with me!"
    "Let's get Mikey to try it! He'll try anything!"
    "How would you like a nice Hawaiian Punch"
    "I am stuck on bandaid brand cause bandaids stuck on me"
    OR my favorite . . .
    "My bologna has a first name, it's o-s-c-a-r. My bologna has a 2nd name, it's m-a-y-e-r.
    Oh I love to eat it everyday and if you ask me why I'll saaaayyyyyy. . . 'cause Oscar Mayer has a way with b-o-l-o-g-n-a"!

  3. The funny thing Abe is I haven't seen any of the commercials on your blog! Are they from the late 80's when I was a late teenager? Nathan enjoyed watching them today so thanks for the laugh!

  4. Is it just me or do those Colgate kids all have British accents? And why is the one kid dressed like Uncle Sam??? I do remember that one well tho, and was happy to see it.

  5. Hey Abe when you are posting videos from YouTube do you have the blogger option? Or how do you post them? Mine used to work but they aren't anymore and I don't know why . . . .

  6. Tammy - these commercials must have come after your time, because if you were my age there would be NO WAY that you would miss them. By the way, I was just waiting for you to post comments on this one. I know how you love 80's nostalgia.

    Cara - yeah, not sure about the British accents? As far as I know, Colgate is 100% American. The Brits certainly don't use too much toothpaste.

  7. You are correct! I'm a "child of the 80's" and I love it!!

  8. And thanks for the info on YouTube.

  9. They need to resurrect the Kool Aide Guy. Oh yeah! Is he related to Randy Savage?


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