Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Top 10 things your $48.00 can get you at Lagoon.

My son is already excited for his annual jaunt to Utah's beloved Lagoon.  I, on the other hand, am not as thrilled about the excursion.  In honor of this horrific occasion, I present to you the top ten things you get for your $48.95 all day passport:

10. 30 rides on a weekday, 5 on a Saturday.
9.  Constant, bothersome urgings to pay $5.00 to throw a baseball at some bottles.
8.  Chaffed thighs from riding the log flume and then walking around all day.
7.  The opportunity to pay another $20.00 to go on some other rides that are not included in the passport.
6. The chance to see the nerds from your high school's drama class team up once again for Lagoon's famed "Broadway Rhythm Spectacular".
5.  The chance to purchase a crappy hamburger for a mere $6.50.
4. A really bad sunburn.
3. Grumpy kids.
2. Sick, then better, then sick again.
1. Continual wishes that you were really in Disneyland.


  1. Amen to #1! Just like being at Knotts Berry Farm. Thanks for the list but we'll see you there anyway!

  2. Hey don't complain about a $6 hamburger. One of the great things about Lagoon is they let you bring food in. You don't get that at Disney.

  3. The good news is that you can usually get in for discounted amount or for free once or twice a year. That makes it a little easier on the pocket book. I'm pretty proud to have lagoon in our own back yard. It's not too shabby, all things considered.


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