Saturday, May 10, 2008

The first sign of summer? The neighbors paint the pool.

We are fortunate enough to have extremely nice neighbors directly across the street that own an in ground pool.  We (or Lincoln) go swimming 3 or 4 times a week in the summer.

They painted the pool today.  Of course, I volunteered to help.  Of course I always volunteer to help do stuff on Saturday mornings when I know I will be working at Sylvan.

Here is Matt and my good friend Brent painting themselves into a corner.  Last year, Brent lost a tooth in the pool in a brutal game of water basketball.  I wonder if he found it today.

I really do wish I could have helped.  Painting a swimming pool is on my "bucket list".  Now I have to wait 7 more years.  Also on my bucket list?  Writing a bucket list.  Oh, and buying a bucket to put the list in.


1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun but don't you think YOU should have your OWN pool so you can invite them over to swim too (along with us).


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